Monday, February 1, 2016


Many humans seek comfort in their surroundings in the physical world.Their homes contain many creature comforts of personal preferences for relaxation or pleasure sensation of the senses.As humans also want to be in their comfort zone for security in their own body physically. They find it hard to allow new perceptions of their identity of who they have become and are comfortable with status quo and change in any way becomes uncomfortable. They may need or want a change in their spiritual life and spend hours reading and studying materials about spiritual things.They desire to be closer to God is their desire of their heart.The other thoughts of  life are seen as their comfort zone because of insecurity.This is called double minded and the agreement of the heart and thoughts of the mind are at conflict.The comfort zone keeps many children of God trapped in a bondage of the world even though the spirit is willing to leave the comforts of the world for brief times to connect with God.They may go out and return because they don't want to give up the comforts for God.What would a child give for enteral life? What price would they pay for the salvation of their soul?Comfort is the key to breaking free also but many don't know this because the lies of the world that humans must take care of all their needs.God is the provider of all needs and this promise can release blessings when a human moves from their temporary comfort zone and moves into the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told us He would send a comforter to His children.When anything it held on too for purposes of the comforts of the world this creates pride in what we have done on our own without God.We are depending on self-ego to take care of our comfort.We are just stewards for God and blessed by God nothing belongs to the child of God.Moving out of the thoughts that we must be the provider and not God brings a new perception of our connection and trust in God.The comforter spirit is Holy and being secure in this give assurance of the gifts in each child of God.Moving out of the comfort zone we have created in our thoughts was a shift of the Christ consciousness we have achieved.The next shift is to bring agreement and stop the confusion and conflicts of the body physical comforts we have cling to.When the reality of the comfort zone of the physical is allowed many children start cleaning out clutter and giving away things that keep them world bound. Giving so that you have less of the world and more of God even in our surroundings.We can become empty of the comforts we have held on to that kept us in bondage by payments to the world systems and turn to the stream of blessings of God.The process of thoughts also will need to change as we turn over the thoughts of the world of how others of the world think.We need to know the words of Jesus and follow His ways.The children of God have many gifts that were given by the Holy Spirit that can awaken the comfort zone they need to break free from the world.The gifts can operate in the world and bring the security that will last forever in the heart of the child in the kingdom.Comfort from God comes in the wisdom and understanding that you trust God completely to rule over your life in all areas.Allowing God to have your life is a big step for many children who are still double minded.Pray to God and ask Him to bring the peace of the Holy Spirit into your heart ,body and mind.

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