We usually do treat others as we treat ourselves don't we? The real problem is we don't treat ourselves very good do we? So what usually happens is we judge others because we judge ourselves. We don't trust ourselves so we don't trust others.Sometimes we do trust others even if we don't trust our own selves.We give to others before we give to ourselves and can't give to ourselves.We become guilty when we think of loving ourselves and give love to others with conditions so we won't be hurt.
We have a problem and need wisdom and understanding of the gold in this rule don't we?Life is transformation and each person goes through change on their journey.We have a real problem with our focus and intention at any given moment.We may want the best for ourselves and others but the world doesn't work on positive words or actions all the time.Let's face it the world we live in is not perfect and we are not perfect.Every rule or perception that Jesus taught was spiritual and applying the rule to a person who is not spiritual is like speaking a foreign language to them.They have no sense of the love that God has given to them or that the children of God share with their brothers and sisters in Christ.We can apply the rule in our lives even if they world remains in darkness.We may still give love to those who don't receive love.Everything starts with us.If the rule is to love yourself or treat yourself as you treat others then it must be done by us.We can't wait for the world to start the love we need to do it first.Jesus knew that loving yourself was important as God loved so love the world first before the world loved Him.Love started with God and it was unconditional love.As the children of God, we know God loved us before we were born into this world.
The world of darkness has many set conditions based on ego, greed, competition and relationships of control.They work to get ahead of others and have no compassion for their fellow humans.They steal and force their rules on others and judge and take revenge.This is the world we live in but are not of that Jesus talked about.How did the children survive in this type of environment? Many took on the world and conformed to the world and gave up the love and trust of the Father God.The words were still in their hearts to love one another and love ourselves as God loved us.The twisting and turning words for the purposes of the world systems were the only words we hear from men in high places and the media brought mistrust of God to our ears.We knew that one day God would return so we play the games of the world.
When we think of a return of God's son Jesus the Christ we had hope that we would see that come soon.The children of that time when Jesus walked the Earth they also thought He would return soon.Time is very confusing to us because of the clocks that man has set.Can we think differently about time and know that God is with us now.He has never left us nor forsaken us.We have God in us don't we?Was His name "Emanuel" which means God with us.What are we waiting for?We don't need Jesus to return do we?Did Jesus tell us that His kingdom was not of this Earth?Isn't the kingdom within each child of God?If you know the answers to these question you are a child of God.
Let the peace of the kingdom within began with me and you now.Treating yourself good and treating others the same way.This is the way and the truth and the life that Jesus brought each child.
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