Thursday, February 4, 2016



How can we relate to what appears differently in  the sight of the eyes that see only third dimensional? To overcome the seeing of, only the mask of illusions that we take into our human senses is truly a task in our spiritual nature. We can seek inwardly using our discernment gift to relate on levels of our Christ consciousness to bring new perceptions to relationships.When we think in terms of the world we only judged the outer and the thoughts of our heart were telling us something from our spirit.We didn't think judging what we saw by word or actions was wrong we thought it was out protection of our own self the reasoning was logical in our mind.As our spiritual maturity grew we gain new insights of our judgements about what we see.We knew that God looked on the heart and spoke to the hearts of humans. How could we think we were like God?We are in the image of God but not gods we are in the likeness.Being in the likeness and images is a spiritual concept.The born again experience  or becoming a new creature is not a physical change but a spiritual change. This occurs when the relationship with God becomes the accepting the will of God and the plan of God to join in a relationship with God.We not only have a knowing but a trust in the relationship on many conscious levels within our whole body, mind and heart.We can take this inward higher Christ  minded relationship to our other encounters in the world.The song lyrics in " heart of the matter " brings a revelation to all that will hear.It is the heart and the intention of the heart in every relationship we enter.For it said,"As the thoughts we speak are from the heart." The heart can not lie so listen to the words of the heart and not the action of the physical and you will be able to relate from your heart.The flesh is the physical and the heart is your spiritual radar.Your compassion and your forgiveness come from your heart.The new perceptions are really the old ways we forgot when we were in the world.When we love someone and they have gone away in the physical we still love them don't we?Love can not die or go away for God is love and not go away.In God's love, we can love not matter what has happened and we haven't seen that person for years.Time is a man's way to keep order for things on our planet.God timing is divinely ordered to keep all love flowing.We are all connected through the expression of God's love. And God's love remains a promise and will never be taken from His creatures.Each person in your life was divinely in the order of God's plan for your life.People may come and go on their own journey to their wholeness as you will go on yours.And the day of the Lord will come and all will be united in God's love in one accord.You are now entering the day of the Lord on your journey children of God. I know this to be true as God takes one voice to declare His word.This paper brings the hope and trust in your heart that many have been seeking.You know this in your heart as relationship come full circle as we turn towards the love of God within our own heart.

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