Wednesday, February 17, 2016



Every good gift comes from God.When we think of the gifts of God we are talking about the Holy Spirit and not the gifts of the world.The world's gifts are pay for with earned money and wrap with pretty paper and shiny bows with a tag say for you from me attached.The gifts of the spirit are not seen by the eyes but are in operation in the spiritual realms.Every child of God the Father has given you these gifts with His love.Many of the children don't understand theses gifts and only know the gifts of the world.Before each soul entered into this third dimension the gifts were in their DNA.You might be told you were different when you told your parents or friends about your feelings or dreams.And your imagination was causing you to have experiences of the paranormal.As your days passed and you started to conform to the world you began to fit in and leave your inheritance of your gifts from the Holy Spirit deep in your heart and your abilities are still there but non-active.Without knowledge and wisdom to use theses gifts and choose the world's gifts instead, you are just being deceived The world has copied all the things that the children of God's has given since the beginning of creation.The deception of many that use the gifts of the world to do a reading with are from the minds of darkness, not light.The readings are usually talking about guides and angels and the feelings of the readers and their ego is spinning a tale of woes of the negatives that will happen unless the listener does as the reader says.This is called fortune telling and includes luck and the fate of the person getting the reading.This is the world's way and not God's way of helping His children.God provide prophet's from the very beginning to help the children and gave each child their own gifts of the Holy Spirit.The need for a change is long overdue in the world we live in today.The world has taken the last child of God for this trip of the dark world of the readers who have gained fame and money for their lies of futures that didn't happen.Because these readers listen to the stories and give the same details back to the person wanting information to help them the children think they can trust the reader.There is always a repeat factor going in the reading.The reader uses the words "I feel or I think" and both of these are coming from their ego and emotions.These readings are not coming from God but the familiar spirits that the reader has drawn from the evil.The readers are not using any of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The fruits they bring taste good at first but the outcome is bitter.They worship the guides and angels and entities in the lowest realms.Angels are messengers from God and are not to be worshiped.Each child has been given a free will to choose their life.If the reader is getting the information from God Holy Spirit there would be no need to ask questions.God knows everything before you ask it and he knows your prayer request.A prophet is a man or woman of God who knows the heart and will tell you who they are working for.Their live and their character represents God in everything they do and say.Do you seek the good?Can we test the fruits of the people helping us?Just because someone says they are a psychic, medium or a card reader is this good enough for our problems?We want the best for our lives and the best is to seek God and the servants that work for Him.

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