This is science as we know it and doesn't include theories of quantum time or God's divine timing.Exploration of space and time have always intrigued humans and explaining why everything is in terms of logical thought processes.Can we think in spiritual terms and understand the oneness of objects of energy in the same manner?The objects begin the human body of flesh and blood that covers and contains another type of light body within the mass of a biology machine designed by Creation.Was the human created in a process in two steps? What came first the chicken or the egg? We have been puzzled by what came first and is the order important to understanding?While reading the bible, we read about one creature that God created and it was called Adam.This was a spiritual creation and the body was not needed so this was the light body or the egg, not the chicken.The reasoning God created spirit was to have communication directly with His creation.A consciousness union and this is where we all started in spiritual light bodies in direct connection with the image of God.And this is where the light body spirit goes when the clothes of the outer body no longer suitable to protect and serve the spiritual body.The second step God creator made was the physical around the light body because knew that man needed more than a spiritual body to live in a physical world outside the garden.God was both genders in spirit and man contain both genders in his spirit also.The separation of genders was to help man to reproduce himself. So as God cause Adam fall into a deep sleep and took a sample of his DNA and cloned Eve.So we can understand that the body has both genders in the DNA.So what part is the image and the spirit within the body?The light body is the union between God and humans not the body.The body is corrupted and not meant to live on beyond this world.The body was in sin even before the eating of food.The flesh is sin and the spirit is in the image and likeness of God.When food from the tree of good and evil fruit was not the sin it was the choice of their free will to choose the eating of it.It became sin only because man twisted this all sin was in the flesh and is still operation because sin is the death of the body, not the spirit.The spirit is part of God, not the body and this separation needs to be understood.The only way to go back to God is a spiritual procedure.Can we purify the body by washing it or baptising it with water? Many humans think their soul is saved by just putting water over their body.This is just symbolic and doesn't cleanse the light body.All outward practices are just symbolic it is an inside job to bring spiritual renewal.When there is a connection to God in spirit the union of the two become one.There is one God and one spirit and all come from the one.When we think of in spiritual terms and not in physical we can understand the reason for gender identification was the reproduction and not loosing connection in spirit with God.God is only concerned with your spirit, not your body.The flesh can sin and the spirit of the person is affected because of the sin.When a person is changed and allows their sins to be taken by Jesus the humans spirit changes and a new birth occurs.The spiritual life brings a connection back to God the body can still sin in the flesh. The conviction of spirit comes because the spirit is the union of the Holy Spirit of God.The free will is still in operation to choose God's help in the transition to spirit.The tools and gifts of the Holy spirit can help every child of God to overcome evil with good.
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