Monday, February 29, 2016



All belief's of who we are and what we think we are are inward desires.We know that we like others to treat us with the same compassion we give others.Sometimes the compassion we give is not received. The other person may not have the compassion we have and have only the ego.The ego is very selfish in its desires to take care of their self  only and that it in the center of their reality.So the motive to help others is different in each person. The giving of compassion without any return of the compassion is like anything giving from a child of God.The child of God is a giver and a receiver of love in any form.Sometimes the help given by a child of God is not wanted or received by the ego self-centered person of the world. How does the child of God handle this rejection of giving when the receiver is not able to understand that it is given freely because the child is doing it for God's glory and not selfish motives?This is a question that is on my table also as I bring all that comes on my journey.

The compassion must be given first and the help second.By God's own son Jesus and His example, we can observe that compassion for each person He met on His journey.He was kind and non-judgemental and spoke in a story to bring awareness of the moment.He knew the person needed help with a healing of some kind.Everything in the helping is a healing either in body or mind or spiritual.It is the wholeness of the soul that needs to be heal as it is all connected. Some that come to you will say it is one thing or another and just see that one thing as the problem.I have always seen the big picture and I need to narrow my view to the compassion for the one thing they bring to my table.God said in the word," If a man asked for some bread would the Father give him a stone?" this has opened my eyes today and talked to God about this word given to me this morning.What are the children asking for mostly in this world? The word finances or money is the main concern and many seek to be rich and have all the Earthy things by having enough money to spend so they don't feel stuck living with the wrong people or get a car top escape. These are children of God even though they know that God will bless them but that just can't trust God and wait.I know this because of my own compassion through waiting and trusting God in my life.Trust comes through Faith and faith comes by the word of God and the waiting is your own compassion for yourself. The love of the child inside that wants and needs compassion from others and didn't receive it in childhood sufferers for someone to show God's compassion and help then trust and wait on God. They are lost and confused and think that there is a knight in shining armor that will come rescue them from this prison in their thoughts. No one can rescue them but themselves. Being compassionate can help to some degree and this loving way was the way Jesus did it.He told the person that their faith is required for a healing.Healing is an inside job and those that heal are giving their love and compassion to help a person heal inside.

A farmer selects the proper soil and seeds he plants to bring the harvest he wants.A servant of God has to be the compassion they give and know their own soul's desires of the giving of advice.As the questions come allow the person to say only one word, not the story.Tell them that they are loved and worthy of an answer and a healing. Remember the love you give will be the loved returned. The person that comes to you may not want a complete healing but a quick fix and fast so they don't suffer.Sometimes it is all you can do just to send them someone who does this type of reading based on ego answers.When this happens I always rethink and review my own life and pray that God will improve me to bring more compassion to these types of callers.My work for God is the same as all children of God and I am perfect and God is perfect in everything as He is in control.


CALL IN 347-838-8452
MONDAY 2/29/16

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