Thursday, March 2, 2017


Dear "old souls" on the timeline now,

The term of "old souls" doesn't have anything to do with physical age is means a soul with many memories and experiences that have carried over from all of the previous sojourns.We recognized this type of soul when we observe certain talents and gifts and physical age doesn't have a factor in the wisdom they speak about in their words and actions.They often to not conform to school or groups or organization that require rules or regulations.They are introverted to a degree and extroverted only if they have feelings of security within their core beliefs.The new age movement was programmed by many books and songs from the 1970 explosion of labels and tags and ideas from various psychic's and mediums that felt a need to explain the gifts and talents outside of themselves when a child may have had issues in their childhood and behavior problems associating with society.Many children were diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and other chemical imbalances and could not relate to other humans or conform to the outside world. Instead of taking proper actions to understand the brain and address the inner struggles of these children a label of "star seeds " was used from a book by Timothy Leary and a song by Lady Peace in the 1970's.There were no studies to prove or disprove the labeling.The term is still accepted in the belief systems of the parents that still called their children the various labels.All labels are in our programs of what we believe what was told to us by people who thought a book or song was correct.The passing of the traditions and thoughts has cause harm and damage to the children that have not reasoned but accepted a false premise of a "new age thought pattern" and the breaking of false messages is not an easy task. But the truth must be told to create realities in the lives we are living now.The shift was a consciousness shift "The new age movement thinking to 'The whole brain thinking" to complete the cycle of wholeness and clear out false assumptions programmed in our subconsciousness programming.When we understanding that everything or idea that comes from outside of our self we gain wisdom and the labels fall away. We are who we think we are not a label we have been struggling with for many years. 

The question yourself would be "am  I a soul ?" or do I have a soul? and is my soul internal or external? As far back as we can go in our History on this planet we have heard about humans having souls.Humans have been wonderfully made with all that is needed contain within the design of the human.There is no need for outside intervention by angels, guides or a label that someone told you who you are.The brain knows who you are inside and the voice inside is your own thoughts and you can listen to your own thoughts inside your own brain.

Seeking is available to everyone to find answers to your questions of why you have taken the labels and tags of  Starseed, indigo, crystals and light workers or rainbows children.We are one soul and the program of labeling is still keeping our children from getting the help they may need.There will be some resistance to change in this perception as all perceptions are believed without using reasoning and logical thought.Change can be painful and feelings and emotions are going to cause angry and denial to the truth.

I remember meeting many on my journey who had beliefs in the new age movement and were told many things about their gifts and talents that were because they were one of these labels some new age person told them.I ask them who they were many times and they still believe they were what they have been told.Many told me they needed to ask their guides or their psychics or talk to a dead loved one for their answers. I always respect their beliefs and told them they have everything inside of themselves they needed to become whole and only needed confirmation of their own belief's not the beliefs of others outside of their own selves. I told them they could seek outside if they needed to do this because we do need to understand the world we live in.But I always said we are are not of the world.This doesn't mean we don't need the world or learn from the things of the world.As we grow spiritual inside we take in information and use our brains to grow in spiritual maturity.The world offers programs as we reflect our thoughts outwardly we are to do the inner processing and use these programs for our experiences.The same programs have been running since the beginning of thought or word. The word said let there be and it was good.When we think logical what was the first thought or word? The words were "let there be light" and it was. So darkness was there first and the light was created by the words or thoughts to overcome the darkness by shedding the truth of the light.The program on this dark planet needed light to begin creation.Light and enlightenment within each soul not only in light workers or star seeds or indigos all souls are light.Every creature created is a creation of the light. 

There no age of anything the soul is timeless and the labeling of things came from man and not from within each soul.We have all shifted in our consciousness and one more step is the logical reasoning of our own intuitions or gift of light within. 

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