Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Dear shapeshifters of thought forms,

When there is no form but only images dancing in flashes of neurons of my right brain the perceiving is called imagination and has no meaning or identification to its purpose to logical thought processing.Yet  I am entertaining the whole picture of this message called intuitive thought through my spiritual cognitive experiences as shifting the of consciousness awareness of who  I am and not the why institutions are occurring through my allowance of the who  I am. The comfort of knowing what intuitions are the two things that help my allowance of accepting and trusting the messages. Resistance slows down my receptiveness and creates only doubts and the left brain agrees and the whole idea dissipates back to an unknown form without substance and validation is lost for any action  I would take to create the message.When  I honor and respect my own self-knowing of the intuitive thoughts changes in my spiritual maturity and growth of the self-identity of the  I am God present moment of creations.To think therefore  I am as the heart, mind, and body shift out of resistance to allowance and acceptance to the holistic view my right brain is giving me.The interruption and distractions from the outside are thoughts that are constantly invading with messages of fears that only my faith can conquer. What is this faith that can overcome fears eases all the discomfort and harmony arises to help my acceptance?Faith is a buffer between the fears and doubts and the inner child has faith in the caretakers and the knowing that experiences are a way of life.So the inner child of pure believing still lives in the imagination of possibilities of faith no matter what circumstances occur.Changing is consistency in the life of the inner child and the adult creates resistance to change in the left brain protector. If responsibilities and accountabilities are not given in childhood the adult will resist change and remain co-dependent on others. So thoughts of resistance to change becomes an emotional challenge that is not easy to overcome.The inner child is receptive and accepts change and the adult may think it's in charge as the caretaker of the inner child and the inner child is ready for change.The adult may think logical about changes and is cautious about making changes because of the emotional shift possible that is needed to accept and allow change. When it comes to problems concerning making changes that will serve to bring solutions that are needed they may not be wanted by the adult.The wants and the needs are the pros and cons in the list they make to start a process of changes in their lifestyle or career area. The resistance to making list or talking about problems causes more stress and hearing the problems out loud brings a clearer understanding of the resistance of the inner thoughts. Coping skills are developed by expressing and the thoughts of resistance to change in behavior or habits that don't serve the true-self and worthiness. As we open up to our own thoughts and know that the voice in our own brain are our own thoughts we become conscious to the resistance we had to changes.The shifting in consciousness was the first awareness and the second shift was the self-empowerment of the awareness of thoughts of the conscious mind belonging to yourself and not coming from an outside source. We had all allowed others to change our thoughts to some degree and found that we had the answer already but needed confirmation not their thoughts to control our choices.As we break the bicameral mindset and move into independent thinking and start using our whole brain thinking the human race will survive the changes on the planet without the help of outside intervention.



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