Friday, February 10, 2017


Dearest child of God,

When we think about the phrase "Rome wasn't built in a day" and God took six days to create the world and rested on the seventh day.These are both concept and perceptions of the time factor involved, aren't they?We tend to base everything we do or don't do on time and find ourselves stuck in the time factor as if it was the reason we don't accept changes that are happening on spiritual levels of consciousness.Changes are happening all the time and we can only observe what we are aware of with our human senses and dismiss the spiritual processing that is needed to make changes in our own perceptions. We know we can't change others and only have control over ourselves.But we still think we can change others and we do this by many of the deceptive practiced that we hear from advice from others outside of ourselves.It is very sad and kinda funny how we think we are helping others to change their lives and we can't change our lives.We all have encouraged others and we were left sitting on the curb without a way to find a place to live or money enough to feed ourselves.Where did we go wrong or did we go right by giving up our own dreams and aspirations so others might live a fulfilling life.We have suffered and taken the low road and submitted to the controls of others because we wanted to be taken care of because we couldn't make changes in ourselves.

The shift in consciousness was the "awareness factor" of who we are in a spiritual sense and to express and process all with our spiritual nature.We are three part creatures body, mind, and spirit and the connections are important to our wholeness.Harmony and agreement within the inner kingdom or domain of source God creator Christ or light must be a priority for every child of God.Boundaries are set to prevent invasions of other people's energies that will detract our purposes of our own spiritual growth progress. 

When we seek answers we seek inwardly first so we can the time needed to process our own thoughts base on our own experiences from our past.We have all made mistakes and need to accept our bad choices and learn from them.As we have forgiveness for our mistakes and our participation in the bad choices we made we gain spiritual maturity.

Why do depend on others outside of ourselves? We came into the world depending on others to help us adapt to our physical limitations.This period of time still is in our subconsciousness and is called childhood or the inner child's experiences. The most important part of our journey to wholeness is to process our childhood experiences.Breaking co-decency in relationships with others and understanding that most relationships have a decency factor in them.The dependency on others can be good or bad depending on the two parties involved in the relationship. A relationship where free will is given to both parties in a relationship is the best answer to stopping co-dependency to form or change the relationship for more spiritual growth in both parties involved. This a process that occurs in one or both parties involved in the relationship.It usually takes two in agreement to keep a relationship going whether it is bad or good.The acceptance to change has to occur within just one person to bring peace and harmony to any relationship. If the other party doesn't want to change or accept the change in the dramatics in the relationship one person can grow spiritual without the other person changing.Usually, the relationship will change due to the energy of the person willing to stop being co-dependent because the energy changes and resistance are removed between the two parties.  

Ask yourself these questions "Are you depending on others to do things for you can do yourself?"Have you given over your own power to make choices to others? Have you put yourself last?Have you given up your dreams ideas because you didn't trust yourself? Do you trust in others instead of your own higher power within yourself?Do you consult outer source other than God your creator? Do you still have childhood memories and emotions that keep you in bondage to your past? Can you surrender your ego and identity to all that is a materialistic illusion and know that the spiritual lifestyle gives freedom and independence and empowers you to be the child of God that you are?Can you stop creating fears and create the love of God that moves all limitation?

Take time to be and process all information with discernment and balance within.Renew your mind and study to make yourself approved.Don't seek others for approval because approval and acceptance is an inward process.Know that God is with you always if you allow His help and cast your burdens over to Him.Some co-dependency are good if the person is connected with God just like you are.Liked minded people have a connection to source and higher wisdom and this is not a bad co-dependency because it has God as the balance between the two people. The equal yoked partnership serves each and serves God.


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