Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Don't you just love the lucid dream state? I requested a dream questions before falling into a deep REM sleep state last night.The question was "What's going on in God's waiting room?" I saw a large waiting room with no walls or floors and people and animals and even plants were sitting and carry on conversations with each other.Most of the people had energy fields around them and they appeared to be praying together and the prayers were going upward in a mist of smoke clouds above each group of three or more.I started thinking of why  I was waiting for God to help me with my problems just like all the others in the waiting room.My request for a car last years seem to be answered very fast and the waiting time was so unusual for such a manifestation that I just accepted the car with gratitude.I was sure everything was going to turn out alright with the car because  I request it from God.It came from a source that was very strange to me my first husband called me and said," I bought you a car" and it is going to be delivered from Kentucky in a few days. I was shocked and surprised and didn't question the why or any details about the silver Volkswagon beetle 1998.I thought it was from God and that is all  I thought about.Now  I am in God's waiting room in a dream to ask more questions because there have been so many problems with the car and the money associated with the car  I need answers from God on what to do.My problem seemed so small when  I heard some of the requests other people in the waiting room were asking out loud as  I began to listen to the sounds and watch the people praying.A mother with a young child sitting on her lap was crying and holding the child as she rocked back and forth praying for God to heal her child of cancer.Two angelic beings comforted her and blessed the child with oils and the child's eyes opened and he smiled at them.Sitting next to me was an older lady with white hair and wrinkles covering her face and her hands were shaking as she held her prayer beads she breathed deeply and said,"why me Lord" I was a good person.There were two women holding hands and looking at each other as they talked about the loss of their husbands in their early marriages and wanted to ask God when they would find new lovers in their life.So many waiting for answers to prayers that were no answered and the time was running out in their lives to enjoy living on Earth.I thought about every prayer that was being said and agreed with my own spirit that God would answer the prayers of those that were waiting.My car problems seem to disappear and when  I knew others needed more than  I did.I began to understand prayer request on a much deeper level. When prayers are answered too fast there seems to be a lesson attached and  I am seeing this with my car problem.All the people  I have met have been searching for answers to their prayers and trying to understand waiting.Waiting does have a purpose only God understands and when you get things too fast be ready for a lesson.Everything we ask for must be thought out carefully and we need to take into account of the cause and effect of every manifestation.

I was reading a facebook post last night before going to bed and  I know why my dreams were about the waiting room of God. The post was about a woman who marriage was ending and she needed to get away fast from an abusive husband.She had two children that were being abused also.She didn't pray to God she asked the universe for help for money to help her escape her situation.She said she was a life coach and asked her clients for 1,000 dollars each to help her get away from her husband.My thoughts about her plight to leave kept bothering me as she wrote the rest of the post. First, she was a life coach and in her own life, she was not helping her own self with a problem she was asking for money to coach others.She wrote, in four days she had 12,000 dollars from clients and was now offering a course in manifestations. I couldn't help thinking about how she would tell others about her own life and help others to manifest better lives for themselves.Money was her answer and she was very proud she took the money to get away from her situation.She said she thank the universe for the money.Is this the way of the world to stop the waiting on God? Sorry to say but it is done every day on our planet.She will be in the waiting room soon with a question of what she has done to those that put trust in her and not God.Many people create co-dependency on others through their own co-dependency. She was in a co-dependency with her husband and her life is coaching others to be co-dependent on her.She thinks she escaped but she needed others to help her do it by charging money for life coaching that she has not even done herself.The lessons of trusting God instead of the world and using money gain from others instead of asking God are still being manifested every moment.She will regret taking money that was not hers to take as she will be caught up in a scheme of making co-decency of every one of her clients.This happens and there is no judgment on Earth only with God in the final judgment. 


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