Thursday, February 16, 2017
Dear children of curiosity,
The brain did not evolve to enable consciousness our brains evolved consciously as a resulted of our experiences. The more we process using our whole brain the more we grow in our body, mind, and spirit.We all seek a purpose of everything we do and say but finding a purpose may be in each experience we co-create or allow to happen as we become enlightened in each conscious state we endure.The events, people, and places and feelings we bring into our awareness every moment serves as purposes in and of themselves and not only as personal growth.When our thought energies are directed into a field of possibilities of the all divine manifestation we create the thought. When we use our thoughts to co-create with creation the through process enters the collective consciousness of all minds.We believe what we think and we receive what we think to be true for ourselves first and this focusing is important to all manifestations.
There are two brains connected by a central processing center between the two halves in laymen's terms.You can look at the picture for more in-depth meaning. Both brains are separated but connected to the center processor. The right brain is the creative and intuitive and imagination processor.The left brain makes logical sense out of the images sent by the right brain by adding words of logic to the all perceived in the fantasy of the right brain.Both brains can work together if training is provided or allowance and willingness can occur in the belief systems that not all that is imagined is not reality.Beliefs may vary in every society from superstitions to myths to gods and creatures to conspiracies depending on the lack of education or religious involvement.The right brain dominant persons will have such beliefs in their reality and have become dependent on using these images without knowing why because their reasoning in their left brain has not been activated and therefore they live in a world of fantasy.They can be taught about logical reasoning through educational means and change their beliefs in the unknown and stop creating fears of the unknown of the dilutions of the right brain thinking.Be of one brain and not using both presents many problems be it left brain or right brain. Balancing the two brains is needed to create inner harmony and the battle of doubts and disbelief. When only one brain is working on a problem we need to find our own solutions internally and stop going outwardly for help making us co-dependent on another person's brain for answers.
Getting a clear understanding of the which brain a person is using can help form better relationshipsWhole brain thinkers shift in their brain usage and can change from creative to logical in seconds.This a process called discernment and is by many in higher education.This helps the person do internal spiritual growth and wellness of their own self-awareness of their consciousness and help other people outside of themselves to process their information.Because many people in our society have a strong tenancy to assume a conscious purpose of agents of evil intent to be behind every event in their lives the fears in the right brain are running rampant.There is a need for left brain logical reasoning to explain the right brain by a whole brain thinker.The shifts in the consciousness were not only dimensional but thought processing was also affected. When we are looking for cause and effect in every situation The cause may be internal, not external like most people think and a processing of the big picture may take both brains.
It is good to be creative and use your right brain but use it properly by sending the information from the intuitions to the left brain for reasoning, not doubt. Psychic awareness and development of our gifts and talents so we are able to use them in a way we can help ourselves first through our own experiences and give to others from what we have learned.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child, When I became a man/woman I gave up childish ways.
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