What is your mindset about your physical age? Do you think age is a factor in everything you do? Are you living according to some chart that was designed to control your progress since you were a baby?When we think about aging physically are we putting conditions own ourselves that are not realistic? The charts are not always right in our growth process and abilities anyway.Thrown away the charts and books that were telling you that age is a factor in everything you want to do.We have all heard what not to do based on how old your birth certificate age is.Have we considered that we are three-part creatures and have a body, mind, and soul? So if your body is one age How old is your mind and your soul/spirit?The mind isn't even connected to the body aging factor and the spirit doesn't have a physical age either.So what are we being told about in the books and world about aging?What age do you think you are and what do you think your limitations are based on the body only?Okay, you get the big picture now let's go to the logically thinking for a second.
The mind is a terrible thing to waste or so we been told. The mind is the consciousness and there are many states of consciousness.There doesn't seem to be an aging factor only increased awareness and limitation don't apply.Now the body may have limitations due to improper care and the mind may be effected by the body.But we also have heard of great minds with bodies in that have been limited and the mind is sharp and still, thinks and creates without a body in perfect conditions and age doesn't play a factor.On the other side of the coin, a body that has not used the mind to overcome the limitation of the body may be believing in the age factor and dementia has taken over.The real controller is the spirit or the soul in the three parts of who we are.The spiritual life and the believing, the faith and, trust of a source higher than the body or the subconscious mind or the spirit of the human has logical change the human race more than anything about the aging factors in the books.
You might ask yourself this question "how old or young do you feel?"I have always told people who ask me this questions I feel young and my spiritual age is 15 years old and my physical age is 69. It is a mindset and keeps me thinking more about my spirit and stay balance in all three parts. I know I must take care of my body temple and my Christ consciousness mind, and my connection to God Creator and balance the trinity.
Dating and relationships are really the same, aren't they? I love to meet people and spend time in great conversations about their spiritual life.I don't think age has anything to do with anything I do.I started working at 15 years old on a work permit and have been in many jobs.There was one time I wasn't old enough to keep a job because the manager wanted older women to represent their business.So age discrimination is a factor the world do.Then there was a time when I was hired and I was too happy on the job and got fired because the other people in the office wanted a low key environment. One job I really loved and was hired to make 100 sandwiches in an talk on the loud speaker in a department store about the specials and the head manager came back from vacation and fired me because I wasn't black I was hired by his replacement for summer.So you see discrimination is not only age in the world.I was too mindful and too young and the wrong skin color.
Dating is a wonderful experience at any age or consciousness level or skin color there should be no discrimination on relationships. It really is a job in some ways because you have to work to keep the relationship going just like working in a job.You are putting yourself into it and sharing your body, mind, and soul.
Communication in relationships is the most important factor.If you can't express yourself you need a crash course in whole brain thinking to remind you who you are so you become whole and not be needy of a relationship.You want and need a relationship to relate to others outside of yourself. But you are not thinking they are filling a void in your own life. I have had many relationships some good and some bad and the bad ones taught me many lessons. It was never the age factor it was me and my own choices and giving up on myself.So my age may have played a part but seriously it was my own doubts fears and not willing to work on me. I couldn't get the fantasies of a fairy tale romance out of my intentions in my relationships in the past. I was not relating to the present moment in the relationships. I was so right brained and always thinking about the future of where the relationships were going.My day dreaming was out of control and the relationships had no foundation or true commitments.What was I thinking? Well, I was not thinking because my left brain logical day by day step by step objectivity was not being used and I took everything personally. I was all about my needs and wants and not the other person's needs and wants.
Flash forward to my life now and love on the whole brain perceptions. I just experienced two dates using my whole brain thinking the last two nights.Wow, what a difference the conversation was so easy it when back and forth and the energy was off the chain. I was a soundboard for him and he was a sounding board for me.I had a session with Shay Baxter before the first date and she asked me questions about my fears and doubts I was creating. I pushed them aside and breath and my healing came instantly.We all need to ask the right questions to ourselves and using a sounding board to help us is a great way to achieve whole brain thinking. I am ready for date three and have full convinced that together we both can work on relating with our whole brains. I am exciting and the first comment he said was " I love your energy"
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