Saturday, March 25, 2017


Dear real people of the planet,

The revealing of the authentic self is emerging in each child of God creator as the inner energy of the light body breaks the cocoon of the facades created for protection.The cocoons look the same on the outside but on the inside, there was a new creature that has been sleeping and waiting for the new birth. The season of the divinity has arrived as the merging of the two hemispheres join in the marriage dance.Wholeness of the body, mind, and soul was the key to the opening of the cocoon.Love on the whole brain was the energetic component to release all falsehoods and programs from outside influences of the world. The children were captivated by the glitter and wonderment on the world's stages and scripts and were hypnotized momentary.The new birth of the authentic child of God was foretold by "The word of God" aka Emanuel God with us. He said, "my kingdom is not of this world" "to enter my kingdom you have become a child" The inner child is just one of the keys to the kingdom. There are many keys and all the keys to open the gates are in 'The word of God"  words are thoughts and thoughts are consciousness and the Christ was the light of the consciousness.
He represented the way, the truth, and the life, of the child of the whole brain thinker He was fully God and fully man.We are His children on Earth who pray "as in heaven so be on Earth" 'thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as in heaven" or in the heavens.We were given free will to choose our path and to choose our source.The choice to choose "The word of God" aka Christ consciousness was to accept the free will gift of choice and merge our will with the Father will.When we surrender our will to the will of others instead of God we have chosen the world.When we make a conscious choice to serve God and not the world we are accepting the will of God over our lives.

How do we become conscious of our choices?We know that we have many gifts and talents that were giving by God.We have a choice to use all gifts and talents for the world or for God.Many have chosen the world instead of God. They spread their seed/message for personal gain and ego satisfaction and they are the seeds on the rocky road to destruction. The seeds on the good ground and grounded in "The word of God" aka Emanuel God with us send their messages from God to the children who have the ears to hear and they receive the blessings.The seeds and messages in the middle of the road say confusing words of the world and God and lead the children astray they are called double minded.So it is the thinking and the thoughts and the communication of the words or seeds of the messages we have been programmed by our environment. We seek wholeness or destruction to the seed within the cocoon of the new birth. The choice is within and going outward appears to be the falsehood of the inner self.All have the potential to be and to become a newborn creature by renewing their minds.What does renewing the mind mean? The mind of who are what is the question of the ages.The word is consciousness and awareness of the whole of the self.What was the mind of the Christ consciousness like?Was Christ a whole brain thinker? Is God whole?So we have to think about being fully God and fully man don't we?Was there are merging of the two hemispheres in The Christ consciousness? In my own thinking and my belief systems, it had to be because it is very obvious That The Christ used both brains to tell stories and come to logical reasoning in His actions and words He spoke.The clues are  in the words of the Christ and show a connection in the spirit and the image He represented when He said, 'if you have seen the son you have seen the Father'  Was this not just physically reference but a whole concept of a perception  of the child of God on Earth as God's children?Are we whole and How can we be whole?Fully God connected and fully man/woman connected?This is the re-birthing of the first birth of the wholeness we were born to be. 

How using whole brain thinking will save the children of God.The present moment of and creating the future from the present moment with co-creating with source God creator is the way.The future is in the hearts and minds of the creative right brain and has shifted to the logical reasoning of the left brain this is the bride and the groom of the body of Christ.The groom is Christ the head of the body of believers.The bride is the heart and the emotions of the right brain feminine and joining of the two brains are occurring in the collective through the Christ consciousness. The authentic bride reborn and renewed in thought and self-acceptance to receive the groom the head or the whole brain.



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