Thursday, March 23, 2017


Have you heard someone say this? Sorry  I wasn't myself?Are they making excuses for their words or actions or were they taken over by an alien or ghost?Maybe they needed some coffee or pills or the help of some other person's energy to keep them aware?How many times are we caught off guard by things said to us because we are not in the present moment?Where did we go? We when silent and lost our voice and thoughts and when inward didn't we? We were speechless and unable to form the words or do the action of breathing and the disconnection to a source was searching for a signal from outside or inside to grab onto. The person may say I need coffee or tea or just a moment to gather their thoughts or be preparing a story which usually is a lie to themselves.The question is a human on auto pilot most of their waking moments? Do we sometimes have to say to these human-robotic creatures where were you when I was talking to you? Well,  I beginning to think  I am not in Kansas anymore a very good quote from the wizard of oz by Dorothy. I know we all lose track of our thoughts and wander away in our daydreams. Many humans stay in this state of confusion for years and conform like good little robots and seem to be compliant to authority figures or people of entitlements. I am starting to understand the reasons for tags and labels now.The world seems to know how to act based on the titles and labels.So the words "whole brain thinking" send them searching for how to act or what to say. This appears to be robotic because they have no references the words and certainly don't think it applies to them. Many say that makes my brain hurt to hear words that are not in my reality.So new perceptions and concept are left to the thinkers of this world.And the actions of the confirmed robots to the world of entitlements goes on and on like a merry go round of emotional drama. The doubts and fears are address only if needed to ease the depression and lost of reality.The addiction and the past hurt from childhood memories rise up and remain as a story that adds fuel to the fires of who they think they were and the present moments of their lives they tell themselves and others what they want people to think they are.So the identity is not stabilized from one moment to another.One moment they are secure and the next moment they make excuses for the actions or words they couldn't control. The only explanation is "I am sorry I wasn't myself " and then the excuses start coming because they weren't thinking at the time of the action or words that were unacceptable to their own brain.

How long have humans been under controls from the outside influences of the world co-decency that think for them and tell them what to do?That question may upset many emotional humans ti think about.And the word think can trigger angry and fears because the images scare most humans. It may me they need to do some inner work that they have never been told to do. Oh, my god work on myself  I like helping others  I don't deserve anything for myself.This is a statement of a robotic human with thoughts of helping others is embedded in their left brain logic into their life and the program runs over and over with no thinking of what they are saying.They make excuses when someone asked them about their lives and choices and they have to face the facts that they are not worthy of anything.They like being used and taken care of and that is alright with them.They usually need to get away from the energy of living and creating their own story because they are depending on others to fill the gaps of connection to source God. Usually, they are using some source they have invented in their belief systems that they have to perform some kind of tradition or ritual to bring the source to them from outside.They will say I need to burn candles or pray to an altar or go into my room alone in the dark. This goes on and on every moment in the world as human seek others to help to fill the needs they themselves have to feel needed by others as 'people pleasers'
and servants to man.Serving man and not God becomes their payment they think will get them to a far way place called heaven.When the servant of God awakens from the dream created by man the inner knowing is to seek the kingdom within and all will be added unto you.For the world is the illusion created by man to entrapped the children of God and to steal their souls.Another way to look at this the DNA codes of the souls.This is life and the blood of the child of God.


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