Monday, March 27, 2017


Humans communicate for many reasons and need to choose the way to use their communication skills with different people they meet.Communications have changed so rapidly with the advent of texting and social media that new skills may be required for many to grasp the concepts of what is being sent and received.We often think other people can read our minds or understanding the words we use in person when we talk with them.Words have so many different meanings and many read words that are shorter or unrecognizable in a test message.Our experiences can help us learn better communication and comprehension if we ask questions and when we say something important to someone. We might say, "did  you understand the message I sent you?" "or is there any questions you have about the message of sent you?" by doing this simple actions all confusions will disappear.We need to make ourselves clear and ask questions every time we communicate with others.We often think that they don't want us to ask questions.This happened when we were in our childhood.The program "children are seen and not heard" runs in our subconscious mind and may appear as a rejection of the ego -self and create fears to ask QUESTIONS.How often DO YOU HEAR some ask you "do you have any questions" after they tell you how to do something you think that you are not smart enough if you didn't understand them.You might say,"I get it or say just OK" and you didn't want to ask questions and you needed to ask questions.That is good communication when we are receiving and understanding and listening and asking questions.It's called a conversation because it converses the ideas and meanings of what is being said by both parties involved in the communication of the messages from one person to the other person.The questions are the second step to completing the conversion of the message.Everything we say can be discussed in a conversation when the love intention from your heart is to keep the flow of the message from one to another. Relating to what you say and who you are speaking too is communication comes from a viewpoint from both sides of the brain as you do your inner communication your outer will follow the pattern.

The "love on the whole brain" concept was a perception and has moved into a manifestation through the practicing of the whole brain thinking by Shay Baxter and Brenda Bradshaw on the radio show "Love on the Whole Brain" on blog talk radio.The whole brain theory was introduced 1970's all theories have to be proven and accepted and using the theory in a practical way to fit the model.Communicating any practice or theory to help humans solve the problems through self-help programs have drawn on the outer influences only and not the inner working of the two brain communication. The harmony and peace of thoughts for humans and the potential to being able to think and communicate thoughts on a mature level with spiritual communication with understanding and clarity and to be able to answer questions on how your intuitions works is a major breakthrough for humans that are gifted. Human to human relationships are our main priority for our planet and communication has always been the key to success. When we start using our own inner understanding of the two brains we can relate to other humans that think differently because of their brain preferences they have chosen to use.

What is a session with Shay Baxter like? Well, it is not a reading.It is an in-depth journey into your thinking processes.I have been doing a session with Shay and my brain has changed my perception and my inner child work and programs in my subconscious mind have stopped controlling my choices.It is clear thinking and learning how to ask the right questions to myself at the time  I need to make a choice. I have found myself thinking about my experiences from my past and letting go has been so easy because I know  I can do the inner work and call Shay as my sounding board to listen to me and ask the right questions.Thank you, Shay Baxter, for all you love communication from her whole brain thinking.



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