Friday, November 25, 2016


Be mindful of the thoughts of passion and compassion my child of God.For the heart seeks wholeness for all concerned. 

Dear servants of joy and peace, 

For is truly the inner sanctuary of the mindfulness we seek as we bring all to the heart space.As the mind is the Christ consciousness of the being in the temple of the holy from which the living waters of spirit flows.The passion of compassion is the energy of strength given to each child that holds this cup of forgiveness. The allowance is a choice and the using is a blessing for child and receiver of such energy.How can we observe and use the practices of the cup of gratefulness to give from our inner passion?First to be the cup that holds the grail of such energy is to be in mind the energy.In the mind completeness to the connection to body temple and mind of Christ consciousness and heart of His passion, he gave in our forgiveness of all. The little and the great is overcome with this compassion we create.It is not only the action or act of such energies but also the mind that creates such in the mindfulness. As to pray in the compassion of the what is to be given in the spiritual realms and create in the physical manifestation of such. The beginning is the end and the present is thought of the passion felt but brought to mind.Souls of fullness and wholeness seek a solution through a resolution of the creations of the mindfulness of the Christ within the kingdom as the center and core of the heart space. To think it is to go to or travel in physical to make a difference to those that need relief for survival material goods or food is a thought of the world. The child of the living God represents the Holy Spirit and can be in all and with all in the divinity of this compassion so focused.The creation of distance and separation of land and oceans and physical barriers has long been in the collective.We as the whole view all as one and see no barriers from the mind of  the Christ consciousness.The dualities have been lifted and the veil of deceit has been rent.So what is to be lost is found in the seeking inwardly and created outwardly.The feeling of emotion is the beginning of created fears of the unknown and unseen possibilities. The mind of the Christ has no fears to hold on to and is the anchor of our faith in the manifestation of the passion of His heart. We are to live beyond the suffering and tribulation that we allow to become our fears put upon us by a world of darkness of the minds of the anti-Christ of this world.Can we give from our heart space and become the compassion of the passion of the Christ consciousness as we continue our journey to the wholeness of the soul?Yes, we can and may do all as the allowance of the possibility so seen in the unseen of collective consciousness return to the wholeness from the divinity within each.    

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