Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Dear sisters and brothers,

Does this sound funny? "All my exes live in Texas" Sometimes we say funniest  things that are so true without knowing why we are laughing when they are so true.There is an "ex' in the name of the state of Texas and we have all heard the song and programmed the words deep into out subconsciousness.We all have created 'exes' and we can relate to the words in that song. We have heard and sung songs about breaks ups and bad relationships and cried and felt emotions from our past.We think if we 'ex' someone out they are gone and will not come back in our lives and this is not true.We are still connected even to those we have 'ex's out in our emotional core as human beings.

In fact, the "ex"  letters cause emotional attachments. God gave me the letters and what they mean spiritually  The 'ex' letters mean "involvement with fighting."So went we say or use this 'ex' we are are going to be involved in a fighting ourselves and the person we "ex"out in or thoughts.There are better words to use like former or first love or first husband or wife.

Do you remember the old western movies we watched and hear this phrase "those are fighting words?" We have heard many words that want to make us fight and get emotional and  I am everyone knows them.

When  I look at the letters  I see images and that is how the mind processes the thought patterns.Just hearing certain words can bring images to out minds.Some of the sounds of certain words are connected to our past memories we get emotional without even understand why.We are all processing and remembering or past present and future by the words we use.Words are the co-creations of our life story.When we speak we manifest the words we say.The tongue can kill you or heal you and that's in the Bible.  

We think we can have the power to get rid of people that we don't like or need or have developed a hate for. I have heard and seen this and even try to do it many times and it doesn't work and sometimes it makes things worse.Is there a better way or a new perception to stop creating hate and dislikes?We are told to love others as 
ourselves and we don't love ourselves because we have "ex" them out.Are we exes ourselves out also? Yes, if everything is reflected from our inner core outwardly in our manifestation of what we think and say we are part of the process and we are hurting ourselves. We can hurt others and feel worthy within ourselves.

We are all connected by spirit and spirit can not die.The reasons for the physical body was to be separated so we could each have free will.We needed to choose our own realities, develop, relationships and seek the answers to our own questions and find God in us.

The next time you think of those that you have "exes
" out for whatever reason take a moment to feel the anger or hate you created and change the word to love and see what happens to you.

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