Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I must admit that  I am a poor fisherman and have fished for many years in the darkness for the fish that have a hidden agenda.These are the fish that God told me to catch in my net of the truth and the light of the messages God has given me.I have to throw many back into the waters of the depths of their depression and non-belief. When one would wandering into my radio shows  I knew that God had put them in my path for some kind of hope or relief in their lives. I always listening to their voices and the words they used to tell their stories of unanswered question on their journey through the heavy waves of emotions.The fish were not ready to cast their fears and come by faith into the net that God helped me prepare for their salvation. So as a good servant  I would allow them to make a choice to be caught up in the spirit of the love that God could offer if they would surrender and stop struggling on the hook and take the rest in the arms of God's love for them.The fish were always fighting the hook and the net of unconditional love and stop swimming in their pity so I let them go back into their darkness and I told God to help them because they couldn't receive the freedom in the truth of their soul.Over the years  I have learned how to fish and have become a patience fisherman and have changed my bait according to the messages God gave me on my journey. The bait was always God's way and my way got in the way of my success to catch the fish that would stay in the net of love and peace and remember how to not be caught up in the darkness of the nets by the evil one. I was determined to make them think and use their free will to make a choice between Good and evil.I was As my fishing techniques improved more fish got saved and  I  lost count of the number that  I helped and  gave to God's kingdom and those that slip through the net and never return. My job was to fish and the catch was not important because the prize was the one fish not the many. I knew there were other fishermen and this gave me  a sense of the big picture of God's plan.We are all one fish and God sees the one as many fish in the creation.There are farmers, fishermen,and gatherers that will come to the harvest of the souls and God has prepared all these with the gifts to do His work for Him.When we understand the wisdom of God and see that we are all a part of God's plan and He is the one God we worship and honor. I still fish in the darkness with my pole of lightness waving over the oceans and streams where the fish swim in their schools that men of the Earth created for learning the ways of men.God's ways are not man's way and the fish are seeking the light from my pole and my bait of spiritual food.They have been overfed  by food for their bodies and their spirit is hungry for spiritual food that feeds the soul. When I catch a fish that is ready and hungry for the truth and loves themselves and think they are worthy they hear God's word and accepted their freedom and don't want to swim in a school of the other fish anymore they want to be counted as saved and covered with the grace and mercy of a loving God.They are choosing to be loved and become the fish they knew they could be by allowing God to protected and serve them as their Father.With the hidden meanings of our words the word fishing has become phishing and we are aware of the change,
aren't we?

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