Thursday, November 3, 2016


This a challenge for inner peace. The words you use can make you or break you. I know you have questions and for some reasons we ask the wrong people or the people that don't know us for our answers we can be asking ourselves.All the words start with a "w" like WHO,WHAT,WHEN,WHERE AND WHY are the words you should be saying to yourself and come up with your own answers.
The "how" answer is easy it is your higher source,the universe or God. Just think of all the time and energy you will be saving trying to find the answers not to mention the rejections of people who really don't have the answer you want.I am not telling you to stop questioning  I am saying find your answers from within and not outwardly.When you start even with the why question you will feel a release of  energy in your self-awareness that will give you confidence.The why questions were the first unanswered question when we were young it was our curiosity and we asked it about everything from the colors of the rainbow and why birds fly and why was  I born?Sometimes our parents would answer with because  and this left us with feelings of insecurities and more questions unanswered.  I heard a radio host tell parents  not to answer questions because it takes their authority away with their child.  He said,"give an order like pick up your toys and put them away" and the child would ask why?So he said,"the parent should say because I said so! Really is this a way a parent and child relationship is developed.In most families, the children were seen and not heard and this was the normal thing to do. So you see the inner child in every adult wants answers from their bosses and managers and the answers never come from authority figures on Earth? The solution is to ask yourself what you think the answers are if you were the authority figure.Most questions do have an answer but not the answer you may not like or want  to be the answer. You have to accept some of the answers and seek the reason for the answers you get.Using your whole brain both your logical and your creative mind to ask yourself the questions.Thew answers will come through your beliefs and as you form an opinion this becomes your answer at that time.Answers change as the questions change as we developed our skills with the process of answering our own questions. We need to depend on our selves to developed coping skills we can use in every situation. There many dangerous words and words can kill us spiritual speaking or heal us.Asking the "WHAT IF" causes us to doubt ourselves we become stuck and depression and stress follow.We want to know "WHEN" and this cause anxiety in the whole body,mind,and heart.The 'WHEN" question is matter of the timing and the answer is "How" is this thing  I asked for going to happen? This is a timing question and this takes a higher perception to allow the timing of the divine timing inwardly.The danger of asking these "w" words outwardly is that people will give you their answers and they may not be your answers but theirs. You can get throw off your path just by accepting their answers. The cycle and pattern of using someone else's answers is a codependency and cause harm to your self-independence and creates low self-esteem.Free will is important and they are taking your free will away and controlling your life.You loose respect for yourself and others take advantage of you every time you accept their answers you are saying to them you know better than  I do.We are all equal and this keeps you lower and places then higher and they develop pride in their ego while you just think they are the greatest and you praise them for knowing all the answers.This idol worship and has been on our planet for too long.What everyone really wants is confirmation that they are on the right path and this is alright because we all need each other to just be there for each other and get approval and uplifted by our brothers and sisters. We don't need others thinking for us and making us feel stupid we can't find our way in the dark and answer our own questions.



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