Friday, November 18, 2016


Witnesses are those that share their spiritual experiences to raise the energy in themselves and those around them.They share how they used their spiritual gifts to  help themselves to become more spirituality mature and give others from their maturity.They speak of their calling or mission to help the world turn from darkness and walk in the light.Their lives are an example of love and peace and kindness in all they do. The heal themselves and heal others.They smile and sing the joy of God  that is in them.People around them tell them they are different  or crazy or just plain weird. People tell them they don't look or act their physical age. They witness through their life and give everyone free will to choose their own path.Sometimes they pray with people and sometimes they tell people they will pray for them.They hug strangers and give presents because someone that needs something and they do it because of love.The life they follow is the inner love that leads and guides them.They walk in nature and listened tp the singing of birds and watch the squirrels run up trees and pick up leaves that have fallen to the ground.They play with the children and laugh with their friends and tell the mothers they are doing a good job.They wave at strangers and talk to the homeless and encourage everyone to love one another.When they meet someone new they don't judge by appearance they listen to the words that are coming from the heart. They go to nursing homes,prisons and hospitals and bring flowers and gifts and sit up late at night and hold the sick and weak patients hands.They read the bible and sing songs of love to those that have slipped into the darkness of their minds.They listen and give advice when asked for help and share their experiences of their spiritual help from God on their journey. 

What is the purpose of living a spiritual life? The purpose is very clear it is to be the spirit that you are and to express God in you.Some are chosen and some a called by God in their spirit to live by example for others.The light that is in your life is the enlightenment and wisdom and knowledge that is given to every child of God by grace and mercy.You follow the light and live the light as you witness by  the example of your life.You have an inner knowing and have a truth in your own mind and your words and actions are of this knowing. You trust yourself and trust in your higher consciousness and awareness of who you are in the Christ consciousness.You share this light by giving of your gifts and talents and skills of creativity to those that will receive them.Your life is a gift to yourself and others and should always be honored and respected by you and others. The divinity of worthiness is your affirmation to yourself every moment of every day and keeps you balanced and directed to your co-creations and manifestations of your story. You follow your heart desires and talk with God and listen to  the Holy Spirit for guidance in everything.

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