Dear humans with special gifts,
This message is to the world of medical doctors that have no training and no reasonable sense of the spiritual reality.Medical speaking they are out of their fields of studies and purposes to address the inner realities of their patience. They went to schools to study the body, and not the spirit and have no knowledge about the energy fields in the body,mind, and heart connection.
The inner exploration of inner space and time of the mind and thoughts of realities are often misinterpreted and misdiagnosis because of this lack of wisdom.They can not relate to humans with who are intuitive,psychic and channelers and energy workers and those given by their birthright creativity senses.And because this is not their reality they have no other course of action given to them but to drug and diagnosis the human with mental illness.
The witch trials are still going on because of fears created by doctors and church leaders because of the lack of knowledge to understand the gifted children on our planet.If someone doesn't fit the mold and conform to the norm into the world's reality they are label mentally ill.They are fighting against themselves and the co-dependency they have created in their own consciousness. They think the masses need them to rule over them and tell everyone how to be by their reality.If the conforming and compromising is taken out of the collective they fear that everything will be lost.
What does it mean to be lost? Every human being has a place in its own right to have its own realities of beliefs and truths.They see it very different they are saying,"there is one truth and Jesus is the truth!" Jesus represents one truth and his way was different than the Jewish people and they still are waiting for a messiah to come.If a group of people rejects and is not in total agreement then you can call it one truth.On our planet, we have many belief's and many truths and this is because of free will God gave us.When the free will is taken away or someone is forced to believe without a conscious choice there is no reality to their choice, therefore no belief in their choice. We often see and hear people saying they are this or that and they are like robots and have not really accepted what they are saying because their actions don't match.I hear it every day even on Christian radio your words have to match your actions of your reality of your beliefs. There are those who will say we love everyone as Christ 's loves and they attack their brothers and sisters in judgments and hate speech and want to harm others that don't believe like them.The funny thing is they say God made them do this.
Talk about mental illness and realities that appear to have some kinda twist of confusions deep in their beliefs systems and this is a spiritual cause of the good and evil.
We are experiencing spiritual warfare and it may appear as a mental breakdown in some cases but it is a plan to destroy the good.We have seen this coming in every age of enlightenment that the gifted children of God have created for purposes know only in their realities and truths written on their hearts.
The most interesting part of the mental illness story is that the ones that are tagged by doctors with this so called condition know that their reality is the correct one.The pills and shock treatments have not changed their core beliefs.They have inner wisdom and have the understanding beyond normal humans that don't have a higher consciousness and have transition inwardly into realities of time and space.
Living in love instead of fear is the truth and the way and the light Jesus spoke about.As we go forward in our inner peace and knowing we will win and conquer the fears of those who represent the evils that have been placed upon us for purposes of experiences and remembering our place in the 'ONE'
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