Sunday, November 13, 2016


Dear sisters and brothers in the light,

We are seeking a sounding board to listen to our story that we have created.The reason we choose strangers to listen to us is a need deep within our subconsciousness.We have so many programs running at the same time from everything we have heard and seen that confuse and distracting us from clearing our thoughts by ourselves. Many people don't do meditation or prayer and without these two practices
,the programs in our subconsciousness are uncontrollable. You can tell someone to ground themselves or clear the baggage but this is up to them to do the work.The ability to help yourself and go within is linked to poor self-esteem issues. When the self-esteem is encouraged by listening to someone else who has problems just like the problems we have we don't feel so alone and think we really don't have problems like they do.Misery loves the company and seeks the negative energy to feed their misery.This is a cycle and can only be broken by them if they will be willing to stop the process of seeking help from outside of themselves and go within. This is the last frontier to explore in each of souls.We are in resistance of helping ourselves and use our emotions as an excuse to face our own true self.We love to help others and save others to the point we have no energy left to help ourselves and feel that we are selfish if we did help ourselves.The real fact is you can't help others if you can't help yourself  seems to be known but the cycle is a habit and breaking it would change their life to the degree that others around them would not accept them.The person who has low self-esteem creates friends and groups to agree with them and feel sorry for them and this is their only support.Their whole world is their story of woes and they expand it and lie to make it more sorrowful to gain more pity.They may at some point wake up if they hear a different message that they are worthy and remember to love themselves and stop and understand their reality of who they really are and not the fake story they created to gain attention.They want attention because they need attentions to fill up the emptiness of not begin loved by parents or friends so the rejections created the story they tell. When they listen to other people's stories of pity they feel that they belong to a group and this encourages them to remain in their own pity and this in some way justifies their own negative feelings.They may say"everyone is just as messed up as me" or "I am not alone everyone needs help" The truth is not everyone needs help because they are helping themselves and by doing this they can help you or me to confirm and allow you to help yourself also.So the people who are helping you to help yourself are the answer to breaking the controls others place on you.You are giving away your own powers to help yourself by allowing others to think for you.Each human on this planet doesn't need another human being to fill in the blanks of your own thinking processes.When a person understands that the help offered to them by someone outside of their own consciousness is telling them how they would do something and not asking you how you would do something they are thinking for you.We can answer our own questions because we know ourselves better than someone else. The time has come for uplifting our brothers and sister and tell them the truth they all have a connection to source.We can confirm and raise their level of awareness and this will help them more than giving them the answers.If each person thinks on their own and project this to others and encourages thinking instead of decency on others our world will change. We have the powers and gifts to bring a golden age of higher consciousness. 

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