Wednesday, April 6, 2016

WHEN PEOPLE SAY-------------------?

When people say I don't care what other people say.What are they saying to themselves?In their subconscious mind, the message is I care too much about what other people say.Actually caring about anything is connected to their emotions and the heart wants to take care of the ego self and not the true self.The person who has the ego self is trying to protect their emotions from others that really don't care about them.This block or defence mechanism to "not cared" harms them not the people they directed their negative energies to.So the inside thoughts of our emotions reflect like a mirror to the outside field and coming back to us and caring is not given in a positive way.The ego self will tell the mind that it doesn't matter because it knows that nobody is right but them. Nobody can care because caring is impossible. So the belief system act according to what we say.When people say I will never do something is another sabotaging means of the ego self and keeps the person stuck in the "I can't" do this or that because I am not perfect and will never achieve. The striving to do anything does take effort and the ego self  may have emotions of regrets and failures that are in their memories they can't forgive themselves for.So the protection word is " I can't and will never do anything" and this is bondage to their belief's from their past experiences. When people say "trust me" they are saying they need your trust and maybe using this control to draw you into a deception.Be careful of this statement if it a verbal contract to buy,sell or give a service.A person's word is not taken in court or matters of business.In  a relationship, it may mean they have done some lying to others in relationships and want you to trust them complete because they have trust issues and insecurities. When it comes to trust the only real trust is within ourselves and our connection to God.When someone says I am always right and is not opened to your opinion watch out the ego pride is coming into the conversation.This person is a controller and wants control.You can have a conversation but be alert to giving your opinions on emotional triggers.The controller is the ego self and needs to maintain center stage and you are just welcome to come into the show not take over the show.Listen to the ego self and the emotions in their words of defence and remember they are trying to trap you with drama and want to you take them as they are.They also bring humor to lighten up their own serious demeanor when you say something serious.They don't take themselves seriously so why would you think you should take yourself seriously.The true-self person takes life serious and knows that every action, word ,and emotions are a part of their lives when it comes to God.When someone says I am sorry without repentance for what they have done to you.This is a time to forgive them and let go of the judgment and turn it over to God. If they return to you and keep repeating the act or abuse and ask for forgiveness give it again and again and each time turn it over to God.The real reason for forgiveness is your own soul, not theirs.This is a hard lesson for many and it is required for your own soul's forgiveness as "you forgive forgiveness is given"all is for your own soul and the other person will be forgiven by God.In most cases the forgiveness is a release of your angry and resentment for the transgressions done to you by you.When someone says they need your help, Help them to help themselves.We can listen and pray with them and guide them but we can't change them that's God's job.Empowering and uplifting are the jobs of the servants and teachers of God.They saying they are needy and want but remember what a wise person told me "people say and do what they want to do all the time."The imaginary "they" is used by many that have low self-esteem and no identity so they say they say this or that as if "they "are real threats to their lives. In their in mind, everything outside of them has more power than their own self-worth inside.

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