Tuesday, April 5, 2016



Can we learn to express our emotions in a positive way?We really don't know what we want or feel many times we just express the emotion deep within our issues and regrets of our past situations.Spiritual maturity has not been explored fully with many humans.It is human to be emotional and expressing is are part of the emotional release for healing if done properly. All needs and wants are attachments to desires to be whole in true self or the ego self. The emptiness and void of completeness can cause yearnings to draw energy from others that are spiritually mature.The real need and want are a source to draw from outside of themselves and not other humans.Many are saying they need God and this is a source for many who believe it is their source for everything.For many who have no belief's or don't use their belief's are wandering in the darkness of their emotions and talk about what they want and need in the material sense.When a child of God has filled the void with God they are prepared to help and teach other humans to seek the God source.Jesus said,"teach a man to fish and he can feed his family" you might say "teach a person to become spiritually mature and they can heal themselves."the problem is children of God take God's place and the person doesn't get heal and becomes a burden on the helper.And the person still has emotional baggage and need and want more help from others.

I have talked to many callers on my radio shows and receive e-mails from needy humans due to emotional weakness to cope with burdens from helping others.Compassion for other humans flows from our feelings like water and is very natural for the child of God.Their own emotions have become affected by other humans giving negative energies. Their intentions to help others has overwhelmed their own emotional health and the physical has taken the negative energy in also.I remember thinking my calling from God was to help others in any way that I could by using my gifts.This was my perception at that time and now I have changed my thoughts on this subject.I knew that every human had gifts also and couldn't figure out why they couldn't do the healing for themselves. I know everyone needs to talk with someone for confirmation of what they are thinking sometimes.I am a teacher and this really helped me to advise my callers of how they could make changes within themselves.Advice should always be with the person's permission of their own free will.When free will is not given and the person is told all the answers this didn't work they struggled even more with their emotions.Helping others is not a calling to control somebodies will.When the person's given advice is in fears and emotional drama this is harmful to the person's receiving the help.The burdens are taken in and not given to God and remain in the helper.The energy transference is negative and both the helper and the person's begin help suffers.

I was talking to a medium the other day and he said,"I help people to get messages from their loved ones that are dead"it is my calling from God to do this.They were so afraid of the messages that were given many times they would not sleep or take care of themselves.I didn't judge the medium I just asked why? He said, "I have fears of death".I found this very interesting that they had problems with their calling or purpose.A calling or purpose usually is in based on the gifts given to the person for the glory of God and His purposes. He also said " I have an illness in my body and want a healing"I keep going to Spiritualistic church every week to be healed."I can't stop my fears of this calling. I talked about familiar spirits and explain the subconscious memories we all have of our loved ones that have gone through the transition from the body to spirit.He said,"he no knowledge of this and death scared him". I also told him I had done some medium channeling and the messages were to comfort the loved ones with confirmation that their loved ones are at peace in the spirit world.I didn't have any fears of the death process.I told him the messages are from the life of the person while on this Earth and no new  memories of the future are given.He said,"he gets new information that can't be confirmed by him or the loved ones he talks too."I told him he was channeling disembodied spirits in the channeling he was doing.Usually, when the gift of discernment is not in operation information can be confused by thoughts of the medium or loved ones need to get any information just to prove death or a spiritual connection.Clearing the channel of all emotional fears and issues is important to receiving messages from spirits and the medium needs to discern the spirits.All information needs confirmation from the loved ones that a connection has been made by the medium,Names need to be correct and information given matches the memories of the loved one.


  1. I disagree if you empty your self of ego , selfishness, then the universe will speak thru you as a conduit a voice directly from the source free will is taking that gift away we learn by teaching we teach from learning selfishness is not sharing is keeping that bit of knowledge to yourself

  2. We are all damaged or broken we have the ability to look inward not an easy task because we view ourselves different than others a looking out perspective is less critical because of self protection as with ascended masters it can take a life time its hard to put yourself in another's hands because we don't trust (trust issues) this may be the single hardest issue because of self protection its an instinct not learned but in enough time we can persevere over anything we are amazing the universe is a master maker we are the master builders of our own reality
