Sunday, April 3, 2016



Every checklist we make needs to fit into our own sojourn as Edgar Cayce's said," Each entity requires wholeness within their own spiritual awareness" this is the journey of the soul, not the body physically.When we have gain wisdom and knowledge of the purposes within each experience we have encountered on this sojourn we can move forward.The entity's we related to were brought to us for purposes of God's plan and we had free will to choose to relate or not to relate.The chemistry or the frequencies of our soul's energy was activated because of own desires for an unconditional love within us as children of God. We were seeking this type of love in return as we gave it freely.Many times we were taken advantage of and this was because we gave it to someone who didn't have unconditional love to give us.We became disappointed and discouraged  many times.We found chemistry and frequencies in many other humans but the unconditional love in return was rare.This is first on our soul mate checklist to seek more than the chemistry between others because we know we have those that are in our soul groups sometimes just are good for us to be around but not to be considered as soul mate material.

The second item on the list is a connection and a drawing of your soul spiritually and emotionally.This would mean that the chemistry is present and the unconditional love is begin given and received by each. The emotions of the heart are affected and desires for a physical connection is starting in the spirit first because the same wholeness for spiritual purposes is of each is coming to the center of the relationship.The two souls are merging in the love of God  they both have and the callings are a match to serve God.Each soul is already whole in their own connection to God and receiving a divine message of confirmation from God about the relationship.Their own sense of purpose as a servant of God and the other person's sense of purpose for God are the two most important factors in a soul mate connection.

Last and not least as the two souls discover the emotional baggage each carried on their journey's the transparency and truths of both are released through conversations and forgiveness in the union is created by God's love for both.The stage is set for an agreement to bring the two spiritual sojourn's together in harmony and peace for a fresh start to becoming one.The physical part comes through the desires for wholeness in each and is a shared experience with touching and eminence that God has directed to bring the two souls into a sacred holy communion of the one soul unity.

2.unconditional love/given/received
3.connection/drawing/meeting by on your path
4.wholeness in each soul
5.divine confirmation
6.sense of purposes
7.emotionally,spiritually and physical

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