What do you think you are? Even the who you are starts with you childhood programming. We are our thoughts and our feelings about our own thoughts is a battle within our own consciousness. To become aware of our belief's and opinions can bring clarity to our conscious mind.How can we examine our belief's we have formed based on our past programming? It sounds very simple but it is a challenging project that we need to undertake as the unfolding of the shift in our perceptions. We are in a battle in a duality of our two spiritual natures one of the old person and the new person that wants and needs to become the whole person.Both are needed for this integration of wholeness as not to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" the baby or the inner child has information that is the core of the first belief's we form into our opinions.We did this first step in our thinking processes using immaturity and willingness to receive all information presented without questioning or judgements.This is may be called no preconceived notions of the material given regardless of any censorship by those giving such information. This may be a good way to say "they didn't know what they were doing" and in most cases the parents had no training to raise a special child of God with gifts of the spirit. Of course, God was directing them if the had ears to hear His instructions left in the word from Jesus.The words of Jesus said,"and a child will lead them" so did they allow the child to lead them? In most cases children were seen and not heard.Are they listen now to the child to lead them?Yes, this is a child writing that was told to seen and not heard.I was told my words were not important to anybody.I knew one day my words from my heart for God would be heard. I had strong belief's and opinions that the world could not take from my heart for God's word.But, sadly the world took many of God's children and programmed them.As they wandering into the world of gold and shiny things and stuff to fill their desires they forgot that God would provide for them. their belief's and opinions became worldly. And they didn't seek the kingdom within them that would give them to live and everything they needed to be whole. and not empty and wanted the world. To be filled with the Holy Spirit was not coming from those who stood high on the stages yelling about the sins and not the joys of God's word.Yes,there is a sin nature but there is also a God nature. the old man is the sin nature and the new man is the God nature. A believer in Christ has both natures within the kingdom.When a child of God sins a conviction come from the Holy spirit to comfort and correct and forgiveness is shown.What is the belief taught by the world say "once a sinner always a sinner" Jesus came to take the sins of the world and I am not going to use the word paid because there was no money involved in the actions He took. He gave up His spirit and the body was His clothes as we also have Earthy garments.The body part was for those who needed the blood to be shed.The importance of the Christ was the releasing of the spirit.We have all been fed the words of the worlds interpretations of God's words to us for so long we have no opinions of our own making.We can hear now and speak now because God has given us an open door to social media.Trust God's Holy spirit to speak to your heart and become aware of where your belief's and opinions came from.
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