Wednesday, March 9, 2016



How can we surrender all?What is the all?Are we supposed to hate the world and the things of the world?These ideas are in the Bible and many churches preach on surrendering all.To bring clarity to these thoughts we can now take a spiritual interpretation of this subject of surrendering.Everything written in the Bible requires a spiritual wisdom as all was given by the Holy Spirit.The men and woman that gave their witness of the life of Jesus were filled with the Holy spirit.Also, the prophets in the old testament had a spiritual insight into the thoughts of God.The books in the Bible are each a book on their own and the books became one book.We know that each book was put together at different times and many books were left out by because the  men decided the people needed to have only what they could understand in their time period.We have many accounts of the life of Jesus in the new testament and we can gain some wisdom to the personal of the man Jesus.The child Jesus is born and we have an account of that moment that we talk about every Christmas.We have the death on the cross, the tomb and the rising up to be with the Father God and that is Easter.Much is left out except the miracles Jesus performed and His relationships with His disciples. Some Christian only observe two days Christmas and Easter the beginning and the end of a life.Even in our lives, we do the same the birth of a baby and the death of our loved ones.What happened to the journey in the middle of each living breathing person? Is the birth important or the death?It is the life lived that is the journey isn't it?

The dark night is the souls experiencing the loosing of the identity of ego based thoughts of the programs of the world outside of our true reality of who we are.Darkness is the separation from God and Jesus experienced the surrendering when he cried out "Father God why have you forsaken me.He cried these words on the cross as He left all His attachments to the world He came into.At that moment, a darkness came in the physical world also.The identity of who He was in the world left Him and He released His spirit to the Father God.This was surrendering of all as He released the darkness of the world/sin  of the victim on the cross to receive His glorified state of consciousness. We are the children of God and we each have gone to this state of consciousness on our journey.We are transforming from victims of a world that cast of out the same as they did Jesus.Our birth was prepared and our death of the physical body will happen as did our savior for humanity Jesus. Are we on a journey home?Every journey or trip is an adventure of the life well live whether things appear bad or good.We will all have a dark night of the soul of the surrendering to God. This is why Jesus say" only by me they can come".This is a very important statement isn't it?You need some wisdom about the veil that covers all hidden knowledge of the dark night of the soul you may have already experienced or you are going to experience.The identity of your ego thoughts during the dark night of the soul separated from your spiritual thoughts and you were all alone for the first time on your journey.You and I were given an opportunity to give our life to serve God or the world at that very moment. I remember a feeling of nothingness and the separation was very intense when I was laying on that cold floor in the hospital. I didn't want anything to do with the outside world.It was no thoughts and in the stillness, a quiet whisper was saying my name.But I was not this name and kept saying to myself I know whom I am.I knew I was just a child of God and this made me stop all words from my mouth for days after the experience. A male nurse can into the small solitary room and spoke to me I couldn't speak but I heard my thoughts inside my spirit.He told me it was safe to come out into the outer room where the tables were and I saw humans sitting there talking.He looked at me and said,"I know you are in there Brenda won't you come out?" I couldn't form any words so I saw some magazine on a table and open them to see the images.I began tearing out some of the pictures out of the magazine and putting them on the table.It was what my images in my mind were trying to speak.This no speaking lasted for one week.The male nurse kept coming in to see me and kept telling me to come out of my thoughts and talk words to him.He came to see me and one day he brought his watercolors to help me come out of this strange condition he painted and I watched.He had so much love in his smile and compassion that I started to listen to him and paint pictures.I saw my first doctor and this was helpful to some degree He talked and I listen but still couldn't remember who I was.Somewhere in my mind,  I was Brenda Bradshaw but that couldn't be who I was since it was over from the divorce papers and I was no longer married to Charles Bradshaw anymore.I had to face this fact and the only way was spiritual and not like the world did it.The belief in a separation of spirit was not in my belief system and still isn't. God is in all even in our trials and test we take on our journey and when that dark night of the soul comes to each to be prepared for the  
an awaken in the fullness of the Holy Spirit to come into you and fill your soul with God's glory. 

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