Wednesday, March 23, 2016


THEY SAID, "A person who represents their self in court has a fool for a lawyer."Are some people begin a fool thinking they can save themselves?

It is very true that the lawyers have a connection with the judge and this connection has been set up long before you arrived in court. Most of the cases that come before the courts case are already plan before you get there. There will no time to tell your side of the story only the judges and lawyers get to talk.Quilty before innocence is the way this world thinks.

The story of every child of God is the same in experiences only the names have changed to protect the innocence and the guilty. Every journey will bring awareness and renewal of body, mind and spirit.The day of court before the judge will occur for many will be entrapped in deceit from others or is deceiving themselves. The truth is always the search and the seeking is without and within as the child has curiosity and will be tested by truths of the world and the hidden spiritual truths.The fool position comes when the awareness in their consciousness is in a stage of the victim.Judgment is the world's way of entrapment and it occurs on everyone's journey. Preparation and  wisdom of our experiences and causes of such times of great turmoil are the keys to success to overcome all judgements the world brings on our path.As an emotional very spiritual begin in our core of beliefs we see the world as a place of loving and non-judgemental because we think that way. So are usually surprised when someone we thought we knew begins judging us for a reason that we understand. We judge ourselves and blame ourselves for everything because we think we have control within our own selves. Some people really believe they can save themselves by doing something good or nice and that is called words and deeds. It is alright to do good deeds but this doesn't save your soul. The soul is a spiritual inner working and the love of your soul and the wisdom to know that you need a representative of the higher court that has a connection with the soul. This is why Jesus did what He did to take the sins from your imperfection so you would not be judged by the judge God.There is a final judgment for those who don't have the law- giver and advocate Jesus the Christ.As God's children, you have been judged already and many still hold on trying to obtain salvation.Jesus said,"it is done" and that means whaytHe did on the cross was for you and me now.

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