Wednesday, March 30, 2016


As I get deeper into the records of the life of one the entity all lives interconnect.This is a wave of electrical currents in my imagination and the expansion of  my own consciousness. The wiring to I am of a single entity which is the reader of the record becomes the explorer and observing the thought instead of being the thoughts or emotions.Mere words or explanation are coming harder to form from the state of trance in the awareness of the activity to read the records.The flow of the information on this conscious level is not control by the reader but the inquirer. I can understand the reasons why Edgar Cayce went into a trance to reach this conscious level to obtain information from the records.As the brain can be trained to be changed levels of consciousness I have found that the trance state or the meditative state both are excellent for awareness and focus of intentions. I have achieved both states for purposes of reading the subconsciousness of my clients on radio and in person.I have many ways to obtain information and have practiced for many years for more wisdom to observe the free will of the client that is allowing the information of the true self to be exposed. My first experiences were just the tip of the "iceberg" into the records as I was not sure of my own abilities I would only mention only names or places or things that would pop into my awareness that would match the frequencies  of the clients. Edgar Cayce usually had a target question from a letter that would be given to him before the trance state and his secretary was there to write down the information from the akashic records. The areas he covered were health, mostly but as he did do readings on past lives and dream interpretations. I usually would separate the subjects in my classes and radio shows to bring attentions to one area of the study. The wisdom was there all along as I am a student of Edgar Cayce's work. It was up to me to make choices as it is up to all to choose a path of least resistance in your work with the consciousness. I know that the brain has far more capabilities than even I could have imagined. I started simple with many of my clients and I held back many times because of the resistance coming from the clients.Many readers only give what they think may be the most logical and not the unlogical intuitive thoughts that come into their awareness while doing a reading. They often feel a need to repeat and get their own belief's taken care of and feeding their ego.Their concerns are not the freedom to the clients journey.When I explore the unknowns of the client and seek their vibrations of their placement in the moment on their journey I am also understanding the choices. Confusion can occur in humans who take in information from others that is not based on truth but assumptions of the ego based readers. To be clear and bring information takes spiritual discernment  and the involvement with the readers life of what choices they have made on their journey can bring some clarity but, confusion when applied to your journey. A reader needs to step aside and take information from the client's subconsciousness. What person says is not all of the information needed for a healing of the emotions to the problem. The akashic records do hold the information to the roots of the emotional attachments that release thoughts that keep the confusion recycling and causing choices that don't serve the path to transition and transformation to light body of nonresistance. I know that my steps to open the records were not my timing as I am a servant of the Lord Jesus."The law and the prophets" have always known about the hidden records.They have been found just as Edgar Cayce's said they would. This finding has not been released to the public and the collective channel of those chosen many lifetimes ago are in the process of giving out the information in the akashic records to the children who request readings as they are ready to receive.

show 8pm-10pm et
prophet Brenda Bradshaw

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