Are we living with robotic cones?Or should I say dying souls? Where are the compassion and love? Well, folks, it is all on the inside and humans that live on the outside are just worldly. Some even think they are spiritual or claim they are Christian. We are surely in the end times or the beginning of time.Are we being caught up in the confusion of the lukewarm waters begin spoke by men and not the word of God?There are a bunch of babies crawling the Earth looking for a material handout and security blanket from everyone they meet.The can walk on their own and take no instructions to come out of the darkness of their souls.They say they want help or say they are praying to God but in reality,they are lying to themselves and everyone the talk to.The saying"actions are speaking louder than words."We can also say,"the truth is not in them." There are so many truths that people have taken as their truth it may not be the truth that Jesus represented.Even in the days of Jesus,the truths were varied depending on what was taught by men in the Jewish temples. It is getting that same way as it was foretold in the revelations.
The words "what kind of" may bring a new perceptive to find the truth when someone is using words that actions don't fit with.To ask someone what they mean by what they say seems wrong maybe because we don't want to have someone ask us this question.It used to be proper to ask a question about things we didn't understand so we could learn. Now the "don't ask don't tell"has gotten into society and left the military everything is out of the closet and if not accepted completely we get judged.Are we suppose to accept someone without questioning their morals or values into our homes and business or into our country?The pendulum is swinging in that direction and it needs to swing back just a bit to protect the children from harm.Maybe the adults can handle the "no tell" and are doing this to keep their job or position of authority. We certainly have seen this happen in politics and are facing an unexpected ending to the race for our leaders this election year. We are looking the other way and not asking any question of "what kind"of a leadership we really want for our country that would serve the good of all?We were so taken by surprise and off guard with the last elections, we have become lost for words that were the truth in our hearts. We lost integrity and self-confidence and the identity of the "United States of America"and One Nation under God" These words were thrown out with the dirty waters of contempt and hate."What kind "of a farmer are you?There are many kinds of farmers, right?Some plant corn or raise animals right? So to ask what kind of a Christian seems to be a question we should ask in these times.I read an e-mail that asked me for a guest spot on my radio show.As I read the entire e-mail I saw no morals or values in the text.I looked for what kind of person was writing to me with the guest request.Who was this person and why do they want to be on my radio show? They just wrote about their work in the field of the occult and how they could guide people by contacting their deceased loved ones from the other side with messages. I am no stranger to this type of work as a teacher I have taught about the occult. The e-mail went on about promoting their books and all the radio shows they have been a guest on BlogTalkRadio. I looked at the list it contained shows that presented the paranormal and occult.I could have dismissed the whole thing and not wrote back and explain that I am a spiritual Christian with gifts of the Holy Spirit.The e-mail mentioned the rates for readings and as I looked at the rates and they were very high I was sure that this was not something for my callers who are spiritual Christians also.I knew I would be judged and I was ready for the second e-mail.It came very fast and furious. The attack was on my own qualification and the type of person I was. The lies and the angry came out and it was like I poked a hornet nest.There was no mention of what kind of person or morals or values of who she was. So it was quiet and then in pop an e-mail I am a Christian.I thought to myself the actions didn't match that statement at all. It came to me what kind of a Christian would be using people grief for money and telling people she is something she is not.Well, my experience was a real teaching time once again for me and my callers on my show.From now on I will ask what kind of a Christian are you in all my e-mails and wait for an answer.I am even getting bolder in person when people say things that their actions don't match.
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