Monday, March 7, 2016



We are made of the Earth and elements from the entire universe and within each entity is called the spirit.A spirit is an unseen part of each entity and this is where the confusion starts.We have many parts of the human experience that  are more unseen than seen.When it comes to  different belief's systems and traditions we have developed  a personal meaning of the spiritual purposes for the spirit.We are always remembering the connection to spiritual things from each incarnation.The traveling from one incarnation to another is a spiritual purpose.Many think of it as a progression to  a perfection of the spiritual experience. The taking on of a new physical identity for  physical growth or spiritual growth.Whatever the reasons are we still seek wholeness is something of the unseen world called bliss.To find completeness in the essence and expression of the soul experience through spiritual experiences.We all find the path or the journey suitable to the conscious awareness that we feel emotional attracted too. We have the free will to choose the spirit we are summoning as the source that serves us the best in our spiritual growth process. The seeking is the proper way to the process of connecting with the source each entity and the path is directed by the source chosen.When we think of the wrong or right source this can not determine by a mere mention that maybe a right source because it is a personal choice.The contacting of that which may appear evil still has benefits for spiritual growth for the human seeking to become because of the learning of the experience. It would be better or more progressive to seek the higher good of source and this may occur after an experience that comes directly  in the consciousness of the seeker of the non-serving bad influences.The balancing and integration of belief's and religious traditions in each culture have a stronghold in the belief's systems and the progress of wholeness may be slowly but the wholeness does occur in divine timing. The spiritual components contain within the human body and when awareness in the consciousness to what spiritual influence are begin used or contacted the usefulness wears out the human will make another choice.The problem I am observing is the blindness that was caused by the third eye "the single eye" that opens and allows those serving evil without them knowing it is evil."I think therefore I am" has not occurred until the rebirth of the eye of the third eye.This is more important than any one thing in the spiritual growth process.For if they are "blinded by the light" that they are being deceived by an appearance in the third dimension how are they going to see the real light from the third eye?The guides they seek are disincarnated spirits that  are caught up in the light energies and have no knowledge except the energy from other humans.So the messages are coming from the collective consciousness and not the higher source from the Holy Spirit.These spiritual experiences with these guides, angels and other entities keep the spiritual child of God from seeking God.The born again new creature has opened their third eye and knows the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is a connection with God and Jesus and this Trinity brings the wholeness that each entity needs to become aware of.The hidden knowledge was revealed but they can see the unseen.This is the awakening each child seeks in the consciousness.

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