Is this really a lesson or a problem with DNA?The news of the meaning of our "Junk DNA"is really not shocking to children of the ONE TRUE GOD! God is the word and word was the spirit and the power is in the word.We knew God's word was in our design and scientist have decoded and translated the words according to W.I.T scientists,in conjunction with the 'Human Genome Project and BobJones University,have made the most spiritual breaking discovery of this or any generation Science and spirituality are now coming together to show proof of in a very logical way to prove spiritual meanings.Cooperation and whole brain thinking are proofs of the shift in consciousness that we of the knowing of God within have already accepted without scientific proof.There are still those who have not gain or process in their transition to wholeness because an over-dominant left brain ego-based spirituality.They require written proof or science because of dysfunctional right brain and fears were created instead of faith.The right brain dominant humans are always in faith and don't need proof and as they shift to their left brain they transfer a different kind of logic.The dualities are always present in everything.The good and bad or the wrong and the right are needed for comparisons for free will choices.When a human says "it's all or nothing" and chooses an ego-based righteousness position the false self is controlling and selfish.They are stuck in their own dysfunction and seek the material world for approval and don't need God.Their inner true self is suffering and is holding on to shame,guilt, and the victim consciousness.They may have the correct DNA and the hold back to transformation to the true self can be judgements of others and self and the condition of the love they give self and others.The only true bond is unconditional love to bring
the ego-based human to awareness is to stop judging them.It is like the paper I wrote months ago about the pity party personality".they want and need pity to maintain the judgement of self as they crave the "I am sorry and help me' but in reality, they want a codependence and not help or pity but your energy and your judgements so they can't be not be held accountable for their own true self.
Most of the DNA coding we have already heard about was coding for the biological functioning of the human and the 'Junk DNA" did resemble this but, there were patterns in the 'Junk DNA" that had a pattern that looked like human language.These patterns were indicative of human language and needed to be translated by a linguistic professor from Bob Jones University.The coding language was in sequences of twenty-eight independent values and resemble the alphabet.The connected values mirrored the structure of the word and show it was a human language. There was hidden word messages in our "Junk DNA"The word messages looked like verses found in the Bible and as they looked closer to their findings the code contained direct Bible quotes.I am quoting from the article some of the translation for you that they discovery now.
1."At first break of day,God formed sky and land" decoding of the "Junk DNA"
2.Do you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,who is in you whom you have received from God? You are not your own."decoding from the "Junk DNA"
The article says, "that this message was repeated in the entire sequence of the human DNA."
Note from Matthew Boulder,a chief linguist for the project.
"as for the evidence -It is there and it is,of my view,undeniable,The very word of God,elegantly weaved in and out of our very bodies and souls,as plain as day.And the beauty of it,that God would lay down the words of truth in our
very begins,shows His love and the miracle"
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