Monday, May 30, 2016



FUNNY thing many people believe in curses even in  2016. It is the belief that is needed to bring the manifestations of good or evil.How has religion kept the curse of sin alive and well as a manifestation? When you think about sin and the consequences of doing something against God's laws  do you think you are cursed?When a child is told they are no good from conception this plants a seed of the curse of sin in their mind.Why is is it important to talk about a curse that was taken away?some say that it is good to remind  humans are sinful because  without the curse they wouldn't need a saviour.This sounds like fuzzy logic to me.If  I am always thinking bad or curse how can  I ever find peace and serenity in my soul?The reason the views of religion have not worked is the concept of needed to codependent on  a savior.Jesus was a master teacher and knew this dependence on others such as priest and elders to  do everything for the masses was not going to work.He spoke about allowing the children to learn from him and love one another.The Jewish leaders didn't want to loose controls over the people. The roots of sin are the hold on  many and they are so guilted they can't break the curse of sin.The pagans and protesters of the early churches  knew that love was the answer to all cures and curses.The condemning and judgement  still are done even today and it is not only the world of unbelievers it is the church that represents the Holy Spirit.The curse of sin was the reason for the cross and resurrection of God's son Jesus.He took away the curse of sins.If this was the purpose then why do religious people still judge sins?Is the curse of sin still on the people today?The sins for all born and unborn were removed from the curse by the representation  of God's love for everyone so there is no curse of sin.Does this mean humans can't do wrong?Humans can do as their spirit leads them and their free will to choose  will help them to make choices.What would our world be like without judgements?We can still voice opinions on things we see that may appear wrong in our own realities.The different would be we would do in love and not condemnation.The religious views of  sin have kept every human in the guilt of sin for control. When you think about getting saved or needing salvation do you know you have to repent of your sins you have committed? What sins have we all committed that were not already taken away from what Jesus did on that cross?Jesus said,"I have not come to change the laws but to fulfil the laws"do you know what that means? He was telling the people that he would fill the law of sin and take it away.Have you every heard a preacher says this?No, you heard you are a sinner and need to follow the laws obey the rules in the Bible.Jesus said," I am the way to have your sins removed, a way to be released from the curse and the guilt  of the generational curses. The twist that the religious leaders put on the word "WAY" takes on a direction to go.somewhere and not a method of removal of sins. They add this phrase "Jesus said, nobody comes to the Father except by me" Jesus was saying,"I have taken the curse of sin away and that was my purpose"This wisdom of what Jesus was saying has been misinterpreted to mean that He was the only way to come to the Father.If this was the only way to know the Father or come to the Father why would God have sent so many prophets after Jesus to help others reach God?God even said,"in the last days I will pour out my spirit to all" so it seems God is always in contact with each human in spirit.Jesus was breaking the curse of sins to each free will to choose their own path and know they can stop feeling guilted or judged by everything they think or do.Jesus said He was the truth and yes this was His truth.He was telling the truth of why he did what He did.The religious views about the truth say there is "only the one truth" Truth is a belief and opinion based on knowing something to be true.Each human has certain truths that have been proven to them.When we think of "one truth" this become a demand to believe without proof .If something is a demand to believe in something  without having a belief in that truth the human is really not believing in it.So we have humans just saying they believe because others believe in it.So truth really is the belief each holds to be truth.Some humans need proof and this is why truth is changeable and relative.Everything
has two sides and balancing is what humans do to make choices.


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