Monday, May 16, 2016



The "cause and effect" and "reaping and sowing" and what "goes around comes around"or the karma debt all are the laws involved with the use  "free will "choice each person makes.Using your free will sets many possibilities into motion.What you are motivated by in the process of your actions must be considered at all times.The knowing that each person is accountable for their own thoughts and action is a very reason for the "free will' given by God.Without "free will' ,each human would be robotic and useless to the plan of God's will.The dualities of "God's will' and "human free will" seem to be different but if we study the whole plan by its design it will bring clarity.Humans need to be given free will to choose God's will.Without a self-worth in the human experience the will can not be broken or need for surrendering to God's will.You might say you got to have one to bring the one.Starting with no free will or worthiness of the true self as we have been taught in religions in the Western World has made us followers but not true believers. Believers usually need to leave the church building in search of becoming worthy of their own belief's they were taught very young.They don't loose the  principles of the gospel they just need to explore the world.This is not backsliding it is important to spiritual growth.There are so many judgments taught about the world we live in and the fears are real to young believers as they first hear the words in the Bible  preach from a perceptive of man's limited spiritual insights.Putting the fear of God into young minds instead of the love of God first creates a negative resistance to God's will or His plan for their lives.Yes, the fear or respect of God is needed but the love of God is a need also and the duality creates a choice.Most humans don't get the whole story and without the whole or big picture, the meaning is lost in the translations.The spirit of the word is needed for complete interpretation.Most churches decided their own doctrine and that is the reason to explore many types of religious practices before making a free will choice. This is really a mystery it has been happening for many centuries.The reason  I bring this message is the guilt many humans still have on their journeys.God gave each child curiosity and thoughts of exploration and seeking is the most important part of God's plan.For knowing the truth and finding the answers within must occur.Just repeating verses and knowing where things are in  the Bible doesn't bring the salvation of the soul.Everything we do on Earth is to be an experience of the inner kingdom of God, not the outer works of man.There two types of humans in this spiritual experience.  A shallow person who says something they don't believe in and a hollow person who knows what they said its truth from their soul inner holiness."Hollow be thy name "or holy  is the name" and as we say "Thy will be done on Earth as it is heaven"we bring the will of God from our own free will choice.Hollow or holy is the name of the I am present we seek.The accountabilities of free will come as we make choices based on our own will.The choices bring experiences to learn and remember who we are in in the holiness of God's plan and the plan of God.We need to know we are worthy of the holiness that operates in us and starts there first to seek God.To start by tellings children they are not worthy of God's love confuses them and turn them away from a loving Father.Becoming accountable to true self with the love of a Father that provides all we need and desire is What God's plan was all about in the beginning.


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