Sunday, May 8, 2016



Mothers day blessings to all that have nurtured with their soul to all of  the newborn spirits that entered our planet.We need to recognize the activity of motherhood that has always been on our planet since the beginnings of all time. Many humans are called by God to be a mother without any connection to the birthing of the child placed in their care.Unconditional love is not a gender nor race or creed it is in each soul to give nurturing to our young born entities. We need to keep this in mind as we give our wishes on this special day called "Mothers Day"to all that have accepted this calling from God.The attention to this day will bring sorrow and grief and memories to each of us that may be unbearable because of the loss of our mothers in the physical and the separation issues have not healed.We all know that we need to forgive ourselves and let our love heal our wounds of separation.This is easier said than done for many because holding on to grief fills up the empty feelings of our physical contact with our mothers.Letting go usually takes courage to know and trust God will be your mother and father and take care of your needs and wants and guide you just like your Earth parents did.Many humans already have not replaced their mothers or fathers but turned to God even when their parents were in the physical. This was the proper and better way to ease the separation from the bonding of birth connections.  The statement Jesus made to His disciples was to "leave your families and follow me"this was to say ,"I will never leave you are forsake you"and His love will heal all separation from the birthing bonds from your Earthly mother's womb or birth family connections.We are souls and are spiritual entities traveling a journey of birth and rebirth in a spiritual experience called the human.We need to let -go attachments to the world of the physical and transitions to the spirit life that awaits all that seek this freedom of the soul.My life and experiences of motherhood were given by God's plan and I received the blessings of my son in 1977 through adoption.The bonding came through the nurturing,not the birthing process.As children of God, we are all adopted into the family of God through the unconditional love and nurturing of God.Mother and Father God are our true parents and will never leave us nor forsake us on our journey to our wholeness/holiness to grow spiritually.So as we ponder who are the "Mothers"on this planet we need to have some new perspectives.Judging based on appearance or discriminations about who or what a Mother is can bring confusion and separation from God in each sojourn.We can honor and respect the womb of our birth even though the nurturing was not present from our birth mothers and heal with forgiveness those mothers that accept their calling to give unconditional love to the child they brought into this world.And love to those mothers that gave up the seeds of souls by abortion be now forgiven by God and give forgiveness to self "they know what they do" for the purposes are all in God's purpose. And to the mothers who gave their children for the sake of others who could not give birth and put them up for adoption"much peace and blessings are yours" on this honored day for God knows of your unconditional love you gave.



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