Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Investigated the influence seem like a hard task for any human.There have been so many words and thoughts drifting through the airwaves and bombardment's by media running in the background how would we know where the real influences came from?The false and the fake and the on purpose intentional manipulations that have influenced our thoughts and emotions have driven us to the point of insanity or sanity depending on the perception of the effect Cause and effect.or motivate and agenda of even people claiming to be spiritual minded looking to change the world outside of themselves and can't even think to own their own.What is wrong with that picture.They don't walk the walk they just talk the talk.Have we lost the truth did we even know the truth, to begin with? Do search the lives of the people that try to fix us?Are they mentality stable? Are they just shooting the breeze or bullshitting us with some general statements that they tell everyone?We don't ask questions about their lifestyles and what their agenda is?We take off running to do as they say and get lost in our own development.How real is the reality of your own thoughts? Remember our parents telling us "your friends told you to jump off a cliff you would do it"are we gullible and believe everyone else has the answers to our life questions?

Have you every talked to someone that quotes what other people say and hasn't formed an opinion or belief of what they think?  I have many conversations with people who tell me everything they have been told by some reader or a person who claims to know what their life is going to be in future.Is this crazy or just another influence to stop the progress of every person to create for themselves.The whole thing is they say you have a spirit and are gifted in one sentence and in the next they tell you can get a new job until next year. What kind of double talk is that?Can we create our future for ourselves are we that helpless and need others to do it for us? If we are going to get this spirituality real thing moving we better wake up when we ask questions from a person that controls our beliefs and our lives. I was on the phone the other night with someone who I thought was my equal spiritually.He kept quoting everyone and wanted me to check out all his teachers.I was listening to a robot saying a  program of names of people he wanted me to get in touch with for information.I was interested in his awareness, not all the people that influenced him.What did he believe? He didn't believe in himself that was obvious and his agenda was to help the world by selling products. How often do we want a deep conversation with about beliefs and have formed a personal opinion.? I keep wanting a conversation with a person who has not been influenced by president Trump's elections they either hate him or love him. and their life has been influenced by anger or defending him because they love him.  I don't remember such divisions about an elective official. This really shows me that the media has a gain control over a large percent of people who don't think on their own.

Now, what is the what that influences other than the media?Well, it is money and the power it has over others.Many people can't make a move without money they need it to get anything done.When they can't leave a job or move from a house because of fear of losing money in the deal even if it would change their lives to improve their relationships.They make excuses that they need to work in a different state to make the money and their families are not important.The money comes first for most people and God or spirituality is second and family is third.The influences from others help them make choices about even spending their money how are people going to learn to handle their own money?You can get just about any type of advice on social media or google it.The world has many choices and the need for discernment of thought.The problem is many people don't trust themselves or God or a higher power to help them think on their own,

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