Saturday, May 13, 2017


Listening with our heart requires practice.Everything we hear needs to be translated into love.The heart wants to hear words of love and compassion and create good emotions to sent to our brain so a correlation of harmony and peace becomes the messages sent to our whole body. How can we take in information and change our emotions?All information is contaminated by toxic hidden emotions when someone is not speaking in love but in hate. Hate and fears from the emotions from words can affect us if you don't discern and translate the words into our own love we have inside of us.When we use our human senses we get caught up in the emotions and have a choice to react or respond to the emotions we a picking up intuitively with our heart. Emotions start with us and our own control over the emotions of others. We can attract other people emotions by just having a consciousness or mindset in our own emotional field of energy coming from our heart.We are becoming aware of our inner spiritual light bodies as our emotions are shaping our DNA.What level of consciousness are you allowing to keep you in the emotional energy field that causes you to react instead of respond?  The triggers are controllable by your own allowance of the mindset you choose to remain in. The first consciousness is the victim of your circumstances and many humans have accepted the false assumption that they have no control over their emotions and need outside help rather than an inside solution. This stage of consciousness causing acceptance of the "nothing  I can do or say can change how I feel" and the why me pattern keeps repeating the messages in the heart and the brain takes the message as a directive to react to every situation with emotions that are out of control. The second state of consciousness is the manifesting stage of control over the material world and the ego leaps into action by telling the heart it's okay to control others and the emotions within the manifest mindset become confident but the emotions are still overwhelming. The third stage consciousness is a realization and the mindset gains wisdom that all emotions are energy and they start relaxing and peace fills the heart and brain and the whole body, mind and heart connection is secure.The fourth stage is the channeling stage and the messages are coming from the pure heart of love and compassion.We can not go back to the first stage of the victim at this point in our evolution.The souls that don't progress will not be able to maintain the higher vibrations influences on the planet.The choice is given to every soul.      

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