Tuesday, May 2, 2017
What song "it's a man's world" but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman.The man was created for the creation of woman.Out of the nothingness came the creation of clay and elements of Earth a spirit of creativity rose up called a woman. The womb of life and production of life on Earth.And man was placed higher than a woman for the protection of the life of creation she carried. He became the head and woman became the whole because she was the fruits of the spirit.Man's logical left brain created rules and wanted to be obeyed.The woman was right brained and wanted the freedom to create. The rules and laws were written in her heart and they were deceiving and caused emotions to rise with anger and fight the rules.She knew the man was protecting but the man's control turned to his ego instead of his protective love for her.The woman struggled to be the womb of humanity and bring children into the world and the man continued to use his ego to control the woman and keep her lower.So the job assignments were set and both the man and woman were apart and divided because of their brains dominance. The world was divided by gender identifications and fought to keep the two that were one from knowing the truth of the whole brain. From the one came the two but one equality in everything like a marriage and a merging of all of the brain. A marriage of the spiritual, not the physical body has to occur so the two can be one in spirit and in truth.Marriages are a joining of two that have become one in spirit.The fruits of the spirit are the meaning to be fruitful and multiply your gifts. When they left the garden and went out into the world the man took the lead and the woman followed and obey the ego in man and did as she was told.A shift came when a woman stood up and said" Women are created by God also and can do the same as men" the men try to shut this woman up and made sure that this would never happen.
The men told other men and started religions that put men in charge and they formed governments keeping women out of offices.The world kept changing and the wars were fought by men to keep the ego strong and the rules of logic going on in women's lives. Words like "keep them pregnant and barefooted" or a woman belongs in the kitchen, not the boardroom." and not in the church pulpit either let them stay at home where they belong. The cries of the woman were heard everywhere on Earth and God was listening also.The woman did leave the kitchen and stop getting pregnant or aborting the babies just to show men that they would not obey. Life was not sacred anymore and the woman started thinking of their own ego as they wanted to accepted by men in the workplace.The two ego's clashed many times and the war of the sexes still remains in the workplaces.The time for shifting was really needed and God sent the Holy spirit to remind the woman of their spirituality and their creative gifts. Once the woman accepted her place in creation she knew who she was she was not separate from man but born from the rib of man's DNA and had her own connection to God without the man.She woke up within her own brain and saw she was whole and not half of the man.She had thought that she needed the man to be whole and was searching for her better half. God made the woman as a whole creature the same as He made the man.The DNA was complete in the woman and in the man. Each creature has God's DNA and the bloodline. Woman's DNA has no identification markers of gender neither does the man it is in the chromosomes and "y and x' determine the physical sex organs, not the brain dominance. As a man or woman thinks so it is and changing some one's thoughts of what they think is very hard to do. We are wired by our neurons and brain chemistry and we have a subconscious mind that has been programmed to think we are separated into two sexes depending on physical appearances and what we think doesn't matter but the words"what a man or woman think so it is" still remains the truth.
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