The inner voices of conflict and resolution are a constant reminder we are in transition from this dimension to higher realms of the non-physical existence. The ego-self wants and needs control of every thought and action and this secures its place of importance and creates pride. There are double meanings to every word positive and negative and these qualities are confusing. The spiritual self is called the true self is worthy of self and this is a type of pride also. Being proud helps the spiritual self to love others as they love themselves. On the other hand, the ego-self seeks to lift up self over others.These thoughts of the ego- self and spiritual identity of are at odds with the truth of the who am I .The ego says I am all that I have done in this world and deserve awards and rewards for my efforts.I want others to respect me without questioning because I am always right. In contrast, the spiritual person did everything for the compassion and love and not for the credit of self.When the person is confused and goes from ego to the spiritual mindset the transition has started and an awakening in the consciousness occurs.The choices become clearer and the battle is chosen by each soul on it's on terms without outside help in most cases.Sometimes outside help does hinder the soul to progress to the new spiritual birth. The truth is within each soul and the belief,faith and trust issues are between the ego and the spiritual identities.So each battle is won by each part of the whole.The outside battle we can with our senses is not the real battle.When we take in the sadness and worries and fear from the outer struggles of the world we decide what to perceptive by our ego self or spiritual self. We know that we are emotional and react or act upon everything happening in our world because we think others expect us to have an opinion. But do we need or want to react or act upon everything that is evil in the world?The fakeness of the news stories and the fears are getting into our peace and joy of the spiritual walk we have chosen. We are getting angry when we hear about our enemies and we get mad and start judging others and ourselves. The ego part of the whole self can change our energies to lower thoughts and feelings.How can we stop the self-loathing and blaming others and ourselves? When we think and feel that we need to blame and judge ourselves or others we need to go to our self-love within. Stop the thinking that you are worthless because you made a mistake even though you have a human part in this experience.You can recognize the mistakes and let them go with your own forgiveness energies.
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