These are part of our programming by the older the generation and have been passed down to us.These old words and phrases still run through our subconscious minds and in some cases we are limiting our possibilities to create "new thought" patterns that can help us to manifest the life we need in this generation. Every generation adds new thoughts and sayings that apply to the generation they belong to the language. Every year we add new words to the dictionary and change the definition of the words in the dictionary. The meaning of words or phrases will have many different meanings as it is the perceptions of the person using the words or sayings. One saying may work well for one person and complete not work for another person. It comes down to belief's and opinions.
On my radio show last night a caller said,"Don't put all your eggs in one basket" and I was listening to a young person but hearing a very old person saying the words.The caller was applying the saying to her situation of applying to jobs.I was in shock to hear this interpretation of how she was putting all her energy into many areas because of fears of losing her opportunities of getting a job because of the saying. She was sending out resumes to jobs that really were not her main focus.I understand the saying and certainly it may have applied many years ago.In this generation, the words focusing and directing your attention to the job or career you are choosing. The seeking takes some preparation and education and experience to bring results you are seeking.Your expectation leads to faith and trust in the energy you applied to the intentions set as to "where your intentions go your energy must flow."She interpreted "don't put all your eggs in one basket' to say "you can't count on just one job you need to have many baskets or resumes out there. There is also a saying"quality or quantity" we can choice to go for the quality of the anything and get the best with our efforts by focusing on the job or career we love to do or spend time searching and causing worried and stress over things we don't really want.We all know quality time is important when it comes down to making choices on how to spend our time.Sometimes we think of quantity and try to get more than we need and become greedy and selfish by doing too much or having too much is overwhelming.So she was worried about all the resumes and had stop focusing on her main intention.This happened because of fears of having too many eggs in one basket.This had been going on for three months and her story was being heard all over the airwaves.She was creating pity and sorrow because of her own limited thinking of this saying.My advice was to trust your own self and start to trust and faith in the one interview she already gone to and raise your energy levels and focus on your intention.
We all know we live in a throwaway society.We don't repair thing or mend our socks or forgive broken relationships we just toss everything aside and move on.We leave and run from responsibilities when the world hands us a rejection or disappointment we .can not handle.Then we feel the emotions of the traumas and dismiss the feelings and this creates more emotions."Throwing the baby out with the bathwater" is a saying we might apply to this saying.We try to rid ourselves of all that is connected to something that bad happens to us and we even try to detach the baby and that is ourselves.We were involved with the experience and the baby was in the bath water.The accountabilities in each situation for what was said or done that created the trouble lies with all concerned.So forgiveness has to be equally given to cure and heal.We can't forget but we can get a new perspective on the big picture.
Now let's talk about the saying "early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy. and wise"I am sure we all know this one.Ben Franklin wrote many wise sayings in his day.But is it true?Or do we think it is true and create what we believe is true?Yes, if we believe we receive and we achieve or so the motivational speaker's say. Really something to think about even though sleeping does play a part in living healthier. Not sure about the wealthy part unless you are making money while you sleep or wake up early to go to work anyway getting out of bed will make you gain income.And the wisdom and the wise part may tell us to get more sleep for stress processing and this would help to clear our thought to start fresh and gain wisdom.This saying does not really limited our thinking like the other two.
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