Sunday, June 19, 2016



We all listen to the news stories and have an opinion of what we heard or saw on television and now we have social media pumping out fake articles to gain popularity in the masses. Sometimes we don't know where the story comes from we just "run with it"as if it is true without checking the source of the news we are getting from unknown sources. Most humans never check the messages hidden in the news we are consuming on a daily basis as truth and the lies are hidden in the stories. When they questioned their authority figures of why things happened when they were younger they were rejected and told to just accept what they were told. This is a lack of spiritual maturity in most cases and causes rebellion and depression in adults who have inner child traumas.When we were children there was a game called " the whispering game"all the children sat in a circle and the first child started a story and told it to the child sitting next to them and the story changed as each child in the circle added to the main story.It was funny to hear how the story changed when the last child in the circle told everyone the complete story.This is the why we need to wait till all of the complete investigation of a news story we first hear comes out with all the facts.We are still playing the whisper game today in our world and there are many that just focus on parts of the story and use it for their own purposes.Even though those that do use the news stories for what they think is right they hurt and destroy their own credibility and this creates "a death ear' to those who spread lies mixed with truth.Spiritual mature children of God have discernment and know the message of God is in the news every day and can tell the real purpose is for God's glory and bringing His truth to those that "have ears to hear" what really is going on in this world.Most of the news seems like bad news but that is a narrow viewpoint and the perceptions are "the news is always bad" and nothing good can come from the world.The most interesting point is that the children of God live in the world and in every story there is "silver lining" which points to a positive experience that a child of God had to work for God's purpose.There are so many narrow minded  people who are looking for the negatives they can see or hear anything positive.Seeking the kingdom and everything will be added not subtractive is the words.The things people do and say are all part of the big picture of God's plan.The message is God is still working with each person on an individual basis. What happens in the story to each person is the true message, not the opinions and beliefs of those spreading the lies to create hate and division amongst the children We are now living in a multimedia bombardment of communication of information that is stirring up the emotions and fears beyond the comprehension of those unprepared to handle without discernment.The requirements of a whole brain thinking and spiritual maturity are the keys to understanding the wisdom of the messages from God in this time we live in. Think about the themes in each story you have heard and you can see that human behaviors play an important role in the messages. The subjects are about sins and choices that appear to be strange but bring compassion and spiritual insights into the cause of the sins committed.It seems God is revealing the ten commandments one at a time to this world. Go back and look at them in the Bible and read over them and see if you can see what commandment He will show us next. We can look at the stories for the messages when we follow words in the instruction book prepared by the Holy Spirit.


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