Sunday, June 12, 2016



The power of one tongue that promotes fear and gains power over the masses is the message from the Holy Spirit this day.The people of the Earth has seen many leaders dictate their own opinions and beliefs that are not the word of God.Control is given by the people through their own fears by their own free will to allow fears to be expressed through the leaders that speak.Those that allow the fears are just as accountable as the leaders who spread fears. Agreeing with the fears creates chaos and disorder on the planet..This tool has had controlled over the children of God since the first moment of their awakening in the spiritual consciousness.

Let's go back to theGarden of Eden for a moment for a refresher of the creation of fear.God created everything for a reason and purpose for human experience and wisdom.We teach our own offspring that fear protects and this is important as we grow into adulthood.God wanted us to know that we needed to test and try everything and gave us curiosity. He warned Adam and Eve about the tree of good and evil and this was a test to see if they would obey God.Just like a parent says,"don't put your finger in the light socket or touch the fire" a fear of protection kept the young child from doing harm to themselves.As the maturity levels in their consciousness grew so did their understanding of the fears of the world.They knew some fears were needed while other fears were to not taken seriously.The controlling power of the fears of teachers,preachers, and political candidates are very confusing and sometimes the words sound good but do more harm than good for all the people.The children of God are very good at conforming to the world and the fear to not belong is still being created in their own ego.Many will allow fears of control to be used because it does give free will to choose right or wrong.Some people are willing to let the world go into disorder to bring order.They are always pushing the button of destruction to bring construction. This is the spiritual warfare we are observing now.

Personal fears do the same but it is an inside job.Each human creates fears of self-control that are the boundaries to survive the elements and other humans on the planet.Fear can be a good or bad control system used within or without the consciousness.Balancing the good and bad and the right and wrong as each situation comes into your reality.No matter what kind of fears you create you create them for a reason for yourself or others. Usually,humans fall captive and go into bondage to other humans who's fears control them for a period of time. The fears within themselves become overwhelming and they stop agreeing with the outer fears of the controller and they plan their escape.I  can understand the reason humans want a leader that controls the country that has not been properly run for many years.The question is do we want Fear to control or Love? Even in our own lives what type of control do we want Fear or Love? In the Bible the words "fear not' are written 365

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