Friday, November 27, 2015


What is the spiritual lesson of the fig tree?When men interpret the meaning of the stories in the Bible they are viewing with the physical limitations of their eyes.The words were inspired by the Holy spirit and the person reading should also be in the operation of gifts of the Holy spirit to discern the inner wisdom of the story.Is the life of a tree important to understanding or any growth process for our spiritual awareness?Yes, for life is love and all energies within and without are to be brought into our conscious awareness for our own spiritual growth.When God speaks in the supernatural forms of  the nature of the life in all things the bringing of our connection to all and everything comes alive in spiritual knowing of life and love.The man has seasons and God has His season the two season are timings set by the changes in the natural world and God's spiritual realms. In the growing of a tree, the seed is a creation and has a program to be a tree and to takes on the appearance of we as humans called a tree.Each name was given of everything plant and animal by humans to maintain order.The tree is still a tree even if humans have made many names for the different types of trees in appearances.As God calls it a tree and the appearance it is life.As all is life and love is the season.By God's love we live on a planet of the colors,we perceive and the whole of everything is the same it is life and love of God.The illusions of our perceiving and our perceptions by appearance has kept us in spiritual darkness.Appearance can be deceiving for the outside of book can not give you the inner knowledge obtain by reading the whole of the book.And a tree's life is in the root of the life of the tree.As a human's life is it's root also.The images are all God's and the living in that spiritual wisdom brings the fruit from the human spirit expressions.The observance of one tree brings only a narrow view of the meaning behind what Jesus said about the fig tree.When only the negative views of a curse are observed in any human as their perceptions of life the human is living in a limited world in their own reality.The story of the fig tree is just one example of the judgments given to us from a conforming society of man's rules and not God's rules.The tree doesn't grow nor live according to the rule of man's or what man says it is.A creation of everything living follows the creative processes within its own program regardless of man.We have all heard about the confusing statements of global warming. There is a disagreement of the causes and effects due to the changes in seasons.We should understand that it not a natural but supernatural occurrence.Man seeks the natural and God's children seek the supernatural.When something changes bad or good the humans seek logical reasons and the children have a knowing that God is in everything and life is in God.The tree of good and evil is the fig tree in all trees as it is the tree Jesus spoke about.Same tree, same curse, same meaning.Think about this spiritually.Can a tree grow in the spring, winter, fall, and summer? Yes and what changes occur in each season of the tree? We know it is the sun that changes the tree appearance in each season.Can we think about the fig-tree that had no fruit but should have had fruit if it was following the seasons of man and not God?Jesus was telling us something about observing God's seasons instead of man's seasons wasn't He?When the cold winds blow and the trees are losing their leaves we know that winter is coming in man's seasons.So it would be odd or strange to see a tree bloom after the tree has gone through its natural cycles of getting ready for winter. The happen is occurring as I have proof that God is in His season right now.On my walk early this morning I saw a tree that had a spring flower growing on its branches. The picture  I am posting to this blog is just one of the new flowers on that tree.This flower is a message from God that life is still in all seasons and He is returning to us very soon.This is the season of love and thanksgiving for all on this Earth praise

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