Tuesday, November 24, 2015


To become takes a process of shedding the old and becoming the new.We crawl before we walk, we walk before we dance, We make sounds before we talk, the sounds become words and words become sentences.We grow in body, mind and spirit.We transition to new birth each breath we take and struggles are setting us free.The cocoon-like a shell of  an egg can become harden and the caterpillar pushes and fights to be released of the burden of this limitation.The chick pecks away the shell until the light comes to bring freedom.Every living creatures seek freedom from within the shell or confinement of the trappings and limitations to be free.This is life and the spirit seeks life to experience outside of its environment.The inward environment  was prepared for the first birth and needs to be free to explore outside to feel the sensations of expansion of its creation.Once the outside freedom has been expressed through co-creations with the source of creation a new beginning occurs within the part of the first birth experience as everything works together.The knowing of where you came from becomes a template to work from on your journey.The memories of your struggles and trying to seem to be a fading way as you conquer your new found life of limitation in your creations progress. You start uses your abilities to form belief's and opinions to form your choices in the world outside first.The choices are first an attempt and then you learn the freedom of choices.Every process is first a struggle and a test to make your break out of the shell or womb you were in.You make imaginary walls of protection.You see doors closing and road blocks to your world outside just like the confinement with your security in your mother's womb.You test your own strengths and mental capabilities to break all things and people that stop your transition to fly away to your own freedom in consciousness.You know that your spirit is free to think and created anything, but there are those people around you keeping you in the womb as a the first birth.The reason others do this is in their own insecurities. Once you know that very important fact about yourself you can fly and experience spiritual life on the inside and outside.The imaginary wall of the womb is created by your own insecurities.As you float in the water of life your sensations are carrying you and there are no limitations within this womb.When you break free you go down the tunnel into the light and this is the entrance we see in our out of body experiences.Everything is in the tunnel as our vision this is our tunnel vision.When we become ready to accept the light as our energy we become the tunnel and we are free to explore all in spirit realms.Te journey is the path, the tunnel and become the light is the freedom.The consciousness awareness of the energy that is you, me and the I brings the love energy n place and tunnel fades and the light remains.The flowing of the light waves carries you the rest of the way to new experiences in the spiritual realms.

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