Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Spiritual inner child can overcome all mountains.

We learned to crawl, we took our first step and walked, we jumped as high as we could and we have climbed many mountains.We are the child of adventure and experiences we fell and we got back up from our adversity.Adversities were our polishing off our non-perfections to become who we are in Christ.We have cast off the old and brought the new so we could face tomorrow's tests and trials.This is the journey of the child of God.The rebellious inner child is prepared by God to grow to full potential as the child of the pure heart that will enter into the kingdom.All is connected in the physical and the spiritual realms to complete the journey we each has chosen.The choice was given to you as the gift within your hearts.To know is the beginning of wisdom of your fear and respect of the God within.The inner child was told many lies about life and what to expect of the  world.The inner child was very immature spiritually and believe the parents, teachers, and other people before they trusted their own self and God's word.In the heart of every child is the true self and the love of God dwells within the compassion of the heart is to give and receive freely.The rebellion prevented the total acceptance of all giving in deceptive ways from the world.As the adult grew physical in bodily strength and following the world in deeds and matters.The inner child grew in this rebellion of all the choices of the adult.The insecurities of the inner child are always present in the adult and was speaking softly or in tantrums of emotional outburst.The wisdom of God is in the heart of the inner child.The adult was unaware of the importance of the  whole journey of the soul.The feelings of something missing became a problem for the adult that only served the world.The magical intuitive inner child was whispering to the adult "let us have fun and play today and created something new." This is the natural and supernatural nature of the child of God.What many in the world say is it's not normal to believe in the unseen things.The real truth is it is normal and natural for the child to believe in God.The knowing of the truth is the freedom of the spiritual awareness within.The speaks of freedom of the physical limitation and the child of God speaks of spiritual freedoms.The only freedom is within the kingdom of God.Jesus told many"Greater things will you do then I have done"what are these things He spoke to many about?We shall move mountains and whatever we ask we shall have.What mountains was He speaking of? We see mountains as our troubles and problems of the world limitations don't we? We ask and we don't receive in our asking we think we have to wait on the world to change.We must now think on these things of Jesus and His words of spiritual awareness.He said,"My kingdom is not of this world".Listen to these words in your heart now.Are you seeking help from the world or God? We have as adults seek the world's help first before God's help haven't we?We can not serve two masters and when we seek the world we are not seeking God.Can we say to the problems and troubles I allow God to take them from me?Many do this and take them back because they don't trust in themselves and trust God.The word try is not a spiritual word.Sometimes you have to allow your adult to step back and view through the eyes of the inner intuitive inner child.The doubts and fears from the adult can impede the creative process of the inner child.Many called this the ego or the I that you have taken on while you were in the world's limitations.The spirit life of guidance and obeying to God's will or plan for the life of the inner child.The adult has forgotten that obeying God's words was the right road to the kingdom.By obeying you reach the awareness that God rules were placed there for your protection to make it through the matrix.Some have seen the unseen  and traveled beyond the limit world of the seen and this can only be accomplished in spiritual insights.Some have used drugs to make this journey, but I say to you now Jesus said,"Greater things you will do" and it can be done by the words I say.We are now in the great shift of going inward and the heart is the home of the kingdom.

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