The inner child comes enters this world with all the gifts of God.The first breath is a life-giving burst of clean fresh air to the lungs and the heart starts pumping with fresh blood to all parts of the body.The separation from the mother is the first awareness to the consciousness as the life-cord is cut to the host.The limited surroundings of the womb release the movement of the limbs.As the baby is lifted and held by human hands and fingers touch its cold wet body the shivering takes over the baby as new sensation never experienced.The cold last only seconds and the baby begin to feel the warmth again in a new way as the cloth blanket is tucked around its body.It is like becoming alive in the same body, but the limitations of the womb have set it free to move and breath air and not hear the heart beat that was constantly keeping rhythm within the womb.The sounds have become more like words that it heard in the womb but clearer and no meaning is giving to words they are still just sounds.The senses are awakened as the baby's environment becomes more natural to the comforts of the body first and then the consciousness becomes very aware of the thoughts that drift in like images without meanings.A need for food and comfort to the body must be done during this process of caring for a baby.The sensations of peeing and bowel movements began as food is digested and going to the stomach and through the lower organs.This sends strange messages to the baby and the process becomes conscious at first and then once the baby becomes aware of the process it flows by itself.Everything is first an awareness of the consciousness and then the flowing comes naturally.As all bodily function, we are on autopilot we don't have to think about the processes of the body.The emotions are naturally attracted to the lack of food and comforts.As in the adult also the emotions are att\ated to comforts of the body.To maintain complete comfort is a real problem for the adult as it was for the inner child.Proper food, rest, and will be demanded by the inner child within the adult.The adult becomes the parent to the inner child.Many issues arise in the child as the awareness brings questions of love, trust and faith and who am I the adult continues to ignore the feelings and emotions brought on by the inner child's insecurities. The adult becomes insecurity of the true-self and trust in self.The trust in others came from the dependence of the inner child on its caretakers.Once the child has the capabilities to take care of its self the insecurity factors disappear. In most cases, the co-dependence is very hard to break from and continue until accountability of self-awareness of the consciousness comes into the thoughts.Self-control becomes the next step and is an another important factor of the adult by releasing the emotional attachments from the inner child this accomplishes an uncontrolled placement of the ego in the spiritual life of the adult.The process of the integration of the inner child with the adult brings a renewal to the new birthing process of the soul.It is a new creature and the freedom to be all you can be opens up new experiences.A manifestations period of life begins the corporation of the inner child's creativity and conscious awareness with the adult as the new parent make life easy and carefree.The needs are set more towards an inward development of the spiritual things and not the outside world things.The inner child brings a trust in God that is pure and worthy.This is trust in self also and becomes the knowing we all seek.Accepting and allow with full trust and faith of its caretaker the adult to provide all its needs and wants.It has no limitation of the love of God and seeks the kingdom of love within.The inner child is in the womb again and the trust of the rhythms in the peace sounds echo in its heart.It has become safe and secure once again as it was in the warmth of the caring the adult gives it in prayers and meditations on the love of God.Waking of the whole of the connections with our inner child of God is the journey to the peace and love of God.Everything begins with each human as a birthing process from one stage to another we rejoice with step in the process and gain confidence and gratitude for the life we were given by God's love.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
The Spiritual inner child can overcome all mountains.
We learned to crawl, we took our first step and walked, we jumped as high as we could and we have climbed many mountains.We are the child of adventure and experiences we fell and we got back up from our adversity.Adversities were our polishing off our non-perfections to become who we are in Christ.We have cast off the old and brought the new so we could face tomorrow's tests and trials.This is the journey of the child of God.The rebellious inner child is prepared by God to grow to full potential as the child of the pure heart that will enter into the kingdom.All is connected in the physical and the spiritual realms to complete the journey we each has chosen.The choice was given to you as the gift within your hearts.To know is the beginning of wisdom of your fear and respect of the God within.The inner child was told many lies about life and what to expect of the world.The inner child was very immature spiritually and believe the parents, teachers, and other people before they trusted their own self and God's word.In the heart of every child is the true self and the love of God dwells within the compassion of the heart is to give and receive freely.The rebellion prevented the total acceptance of all giving in deceptive ways from the world.As the adult grew physical in bodily strength and following the world in deeds and matters.The inner child grew in this rebellion of all the choices of the adult.The insecurities of the inner child are always present in the adult and was speaking softly or in tantrums of emotional outburst.The wisdom of God is in the heart of the inner child.The adult was unaware of the importance of the whole journey of the soul.The feelings of something missing became a problem for the adult that only served the world.The magical intuitive inner child was whispering to the adult "let us have fun and play today and created something new." This is the natural and supernatural nature of the child of God.What many in the world say is it's not normal to believe in the unseen things.The real truth is it is normal and natural for the child to believe in God.The knowing of the truth is the freedom of the spiritual awareness within.The speaks of freedom of the physical limitation and the child of God speaks of spiritual freedoms.The only freedom is within the kingdom of God.Jesus told many"Greater things will you do then I have done"what are these things He spoke to many about?We shall move mountains and whatever we ask we shall have.What mountains was He speaking of? We see mountains as our troubles and problems of the world limitations don't we? We ask and we don't receive in our asking we think we have to wait on the world to change.We must now think on these things of Jesus and His words of spiritual awareness.He said,"My kingdom is not of this world".Listen to these words in your heart now.Are you seeking help from the world or God? We have as adults seek the world's help first before God's help haven't we?We can not serve two masters and when we seek the world we are not seeking God.Can we say to the problems and troubles I allow God to take them from me?Many do this and take them back because they don't trust in themselves and trust God.The word try is not a spiritual word.Sometimes you have to allow your adult to step back and view through the eyes of the inner intuitive inner child.The doubts and fears from the adult can impede the creative process of the inner child.Many called this the ego or the I that you have taken on while you were in the world's limitations.The spirit life of guidance and obeying to God's will or plan for the life of the inner child.The adult has forgotten that obeying God's words was the right road to the kingdom.By obeying you reach the awareness that God rules were placed there for your protection to make it through the matrix.Some have seen the unseen and traveled beyond the limit world of the seen and this can only be accomplished in spiritual insights.Some have used drugs to make this journey, but I say to you now Jesus said,"Greater things you will do" and it can be done by the words I say.We are now in the great shift of going inward and the heart is the home of the kingdom.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Dear souls, For that, is what we are as a star is the formation of matter. We are souls by the expression of the energy within each living being on this planet.We are all elements of the whole universe in the spiritual words of "let us make man in our image." One image from many and "in us we make" and let it be a "human" being.We are many in one and connected to all in the one.The us means many and the agreement was with all that was the word "us" and the "one" was us.The element of the human was from all souls that became "one" as we become this also in our words.So within is without and the gathering of the all becomes the "one" together in the gathering.When a field is covered with wheat the farmer sees it as "one" product of wheat to be bundled into stacks of the wheat to sell to make bread.There made be many stacks, but all stacks are the same product called wheat.As to our souls are the different but still a "one" soul will be gathered to the harvest of the souls in the field of energy.The words need spiritual mindedness to interpret correctly the meanings of the soul that are in the "oneness" of the God energy.We have in each human a soul of the spirit of God within the makeup of beings.We speak and we created what we speak be it good or bad in manifestation.As God, we speak over our lives and living or dying in our mouth.From the heart is our desires.We co-created within the field of the soul energy of who we are in God.The soul not committed to the belief in power is and trust of the faith is disconnected and connected.To secure a connection to the soul's desire to proper alignment is a process of the soul.The heart is required to be pure in intentions of the thoughts and the words coming forth from the mouth.Have heard that those who speak illness and become that which they spoke?It shall come upon you as the soul's listen to your intentions.The power of the creation energy is in your very core of your trust in your true self. To say the, I am this or that you shall become.As the reflection of your thoughts your reality inside becomes your outside activities of your being human souls. There was a man who sought respect and honor and thought that he needed to earn it from others.The earn word means to work for wages and gain something and it not what a spiritual person should require.If respect and honor are given to true self-respect is already present and can be given freely to others.The spiritual life and expressions are from the heart and are always kind, loving, and directed to the outside as in the inside.This is the refection of the soul's journey of transformation. For what is the inside comes natural and the spoken word is that of spirit.The world words are struggle, hard, suffering, trying and competitions with others on the outside. As the mind of each child is coming to the reality of the who they are, the words shift also to spiritual expressions. It is all in the knowing of the words used that create or destroy.To say kill or die brings these words brings and end to a new beginning.As the soul cannot die or be killed it is the energy of life in the essence and image of God the creator.To kill is to change form as there are many forms of the souls it is mutable by nature.As energy can change form but the substance of the energy remain light energy.The purpose of God's love energy being transmitted through the soul's on this planet is to bring "the one" accorded to bring the Christ or the light in each soul.
Friday, November 27, 2015
What is the spiritual lesson of the fig tree?When men interpret the meaning of the stories in the Bible they are viewing with the physical limitations of their eyes.The words were inspired by the Holy spirit and the person reading should also be in the operation of gifts of the Holy spirit to discern the inner wisdom of the story.Is the life of a tree important to understanding or any growth process for our spiritual awareness?Yes, for life is love and all energies within and without are to be brought into our conscious awareness for our own spiritual growth.When God speaks in the supernatural forms of the nature of the life in all things the bringing of our connection to all and everything comes alive in spiritual knowing of life and love.The man has seasons and God has His season the two season are timings set by the changes in the natural world and God's spiritual realms. In the growing of a tree, the seed is a creation and has a program to be a tree and to takes on the appearance of we as humans called a tree.Each name was given of everything plant and animal by humans to maintain order.The tree is still a tree even if humans have made many names for the different types of trees in appearances.As God calls it a tree and the appearance it is life.As all is life and love is the season.By God's love we live on a planet of the colors,we perceive and the whole of everything is the same it is life and love of God.The illusions of our perceiving and our perceptions by appearance has kept us in spiritual darkness.Appearance can be deceiving for the outside of book can not give you the inner knowledge obtain by reading the whole of the book.And a tree's life is in the root of the life of the tree.As a human's life is it's root also.The images are all God's and the living in that spiritual wisdom brings the fruit from the human spirit expressions.The observance of one tree brings only a narrow view of the meaning behind what Jesus said about the fig tree.When only the negative views of a curse are observed in any human as their perceptions of life the human is living in a limited world in their own reality.The story of the fig tree is just one example of the judgments given to us from a conforming society of man's rules and not God's rules.The tree doesn't grow nor live according to the rule of man's or what man says it is.A creation of everything living follows the creative processes within its own program regardless of man.We have all heard about the confusing statements of global warming. There is a disagreement of the causes and effects due to the changes in seasons.We should understand that it not a natural but supernatural occurrence.Man seeks the natural and God's children seek the supernatural.When something changes bad or good the humans seek logical reasons and the children have a knowing that God is in everything and life is in God.The tree of good and evil is the fig tree in all trees as it is the tree Jesus spoke about.Same tree, same curse, same meaning.Think about this spiritually.Can a tree grow in the spring, winter, fall, and summer? Yes and what changes occur in each season of the tree? We know it is the sun that changes the tree appearance in each season.Can we think about the fig-tree that had no fruit but should have had fruit if it was following the seasons of man and not God?Jesus was telling us something about observing God's seasons instead of man's seasons wasn't He?When the cold winds blow and the trees are losing their leaves we know that winter is coming in man's seasons.So it would be odd or strange to see a tree bloom after the tree has gone through its natural cycles of getting ready for winter. The happen is occurring as I have proof that God is in His season right now.On my walk early this morning I saw a tree that had a spring flower growing on its branches. The picture I am posting to this blog is just one of the new flowers on that tree.This flower is a message from God that life is still in all seasons and He is returning to us very soon.This is the season of love and thanksgiving for all on this Earth praise
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Some quotes from Brenda Bradshaw
1.Without darkness, there is no need for light.
2.Without bad, there is no need for good.
3.The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning.
4.To let, not the get is the flow of blessings.
5.As you remember your regrets you forgive and release.
6.The receiving in the giving and the giving is in the receiving.
7.Pick your battles that you can win.
8.The waiting for anything or somebody to change happens first with you.
9.Doubt and fear block your abilities and capabilities of your faith.
10.To ask all as if it is done to you in the asking is the prayer of the faithful.
11.To know brings knowledge and wisdom.
12.To see brings limitations.
13.To feel brings emotions.
14.To think brings questions.
15.To hear brings memories.
16.To touch brings comfort.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
To become takes a process of shedding the old and becoming the new.We crawl before we walk, we walk before we dance, We make sounds before we talk, the sounds become words and words become sentences.We grow in body, mind and spirit.We transition to new birth each breath we take and struggles are setting us free.The cocoon-like a shell of an egg can become harden and the caterpillar pushes and fights to be released of the burden of this limitation.The chick pecks away the shell until the light comes to bring freedom.Every living creatures seek freedom from within the shell or confinement of the trappings and limitations to be free.This is life and the spirit seeks life to experience outside of its environment.The inward environment was prepared for the first birth and needs to be free to explore outside to feel the sensations of expansion of its creation.Once the outside freedom has been expressed through co-creations with the source of creation a new beginning occurs within the part of the first birth experience as everything works together.The knowing of where you came from becomes a template to work from on your journey.The memories of your struggles and trying to seem to be a fading way as you conquer your new found life of limitation in your creations progress. You start uses your abilities to form belief's and opinions to form your choices in the world outside first.The choices are first an attempt and then you learn the freedom of choices.Every process is first a struggle and a test to make your break out of the shell or womb you were in.You make imaginary walls of protection.You see doors closing and road blocks to your world outside just like the confinement with your security in your mother's womb.You test your own strengths and mental capabilities to break all things and people that stop your transition to fly away to your own freedom in consciousness.You know that your spirit is free to think and created anything, but there are those people around you keeping you in the womb as a the first birth.The reason others do this is in their own insecurities. Once you know that very important fact about yourself you can fly and experience spiritual life on the inside and outside.The imaginary wall of the womb is created by your own insecurities.As you float in the water of life your sensations are carrying you and there are no limitations within this womb.When you break free you go down the tunnel into the light and this is the entrance we see in our out of body experiences.Everything is in the tunnel as our vision this is our tunnel vision.When we become ready to accept the light as our energy we become the tunnel and we are free to explore all in spirit realms.Te journey is the path, the tunnel and become the light is the freedom.The consciousness awareness of the energy that is you, me and the I brings the love energy n place and tunnel fades and the light remains.The flowing of the light waves carries you the rest of the way to new experiences in the spiritual realms.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Why do we have conflicts and confusions in this life?
What does world think about the new baby?
The shaping of a masterpiece and the creation of a lump of clay takes many attempts to bring the final piece of art to creation.The world sees a baby as flesh and blood with no spiritual insights. So the beginning of our life is to shaped and conform to the outside world.We were told,"we are not of this world, but we are in this world."Are we still in love with the world?The humans see them self as creators of everything.So conflicts and confusions are embedded in our subconsciousness of their misinterpretations of who or what is creation.We were perfect in our creation at birth and humans took us into the world they had created.Your life was given to unknowing parents with no instructions of your care and feeding spiritually.You were cared for physically and taught many things that you didn't understand because of your immaturity in your spiritual perceptions.The world teaches the outside world first and it teaches by fears and no words of compassion in many cases.As we grow physically in body our hearts contain the seeds of knowing God personally.We are told to focus our attentions on learning not remembering God.So we go out into a world of lies and misconception in our schools and churches listening to humans, not God's word.We may read the Bible and think about the words but don't understand it in our spirit.We take other people's belief's and opinions over our own spirit inside our connection to God.These conflicts and confusions bring lead us to the cures of the physically not the spiritual.We take pills to mask the pains of our inner conflicts that are coming from our own lack of spiritual needs.We are connected to God in our very being and to be only physical we are starving the part of ourselves is suffering. As we become more confused we began to seek more answers inwardly.The world present to the catalyst to our change inwardly we need to become the child of God we need to enter into the kingdom within each of us.Getting rid of the world is the first step in your spiritual journey.At first you may think you can remain in the world and does the world does things and you find out that you are still in conflicts of compromises in your connections to God.The Holy spirit convicts as you give more attention to your relationship with God.This is a process of going back to your first birth into this world.You were very close to Creator God voice as a young child. This voice returns inwardly very naturally. There are many layers of programs from the world you need to get rid of to find the true self within.The process takes many sessions with spiritual teachers to sort out what you are thinking.It does require someone to listen to you as we don't hear ourselves talk.Getting rid of the word of the world changes your vibration in your frequencies of your spiritual energy.Just saying certain affirmations using the words I am which mean God can bring ou into alignment with God.I am worthy!
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Every year we hear or see this quote about Christmas, "Jesus is the reason for the season" this may be the truth for those that celebrate birthdays in their own life.Christmas is an observance of a birth of a child in the story in the bible and the time was not correct if we study the scriptures.We all know it was a time when the sheep were in the field and the weather was not cold or winter time.All the stories seem to be taken as if it really doesn't matter what time the events occurred. We know that most everything around the time of the birth of the Christ child happens when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth when she was carrying John in her womb.The baby john leaped in Mary's womb when she came near Elizabeth. This event gives us a time of September and no date has been determined.We know that the date doesn't matter and time really is not important. We just observe the birth of the Christ child anyway.We are to enjoy life and just flow with the good thoughts surrounding the birth of any child born don't we?Birth is an event that brings life and love into this world and these should be our thoughts about the season of the birth of a Christ.As we give and receive presents as a representation of the gifts giving to that child in a manger. We sing songs of joy and praise and gathered together to exchange presents around a Christmas tree with lights that represent the light of the world Jesus.We visited the shut-ins and bring them, love and attention they so need every day.We feed the poor and homeless and give them warm socks and blankets. We give toys to the children that have parents that have had a hard year providing for their families. We do see peace and smiles in the giving and receiving of love and sharing during this season.The day will come when we will have Christmas every day.This is the desire and dream of the inner child in their hearts. Why do we need a day on the calendar to make Christ shine in us?I know that many children of God do give and receive every day as this is who we are.We represent Christ on Earth "Emanuel" so this day on the calendar is just another day to continue the love of Christ.I am changing the quote "Everyday is the reason for the Jesus season" and saying, Merry Christmas to everyone you meet every day.Some just observe one day and the next day they don't see the needs of those that have days on the street and children have no food and go to sleep hungry.I know all children of God do as much as they can to help others.We also need to help our own families to bring peace to them as well as the world.When we help ourselves we become that Christ light and can give from a place of love inside each one of us.Does it really matter what others call the holy days?It is the observance of love that counts.Some Christians get very judgemental about how to do things in the right way or the way they do things.This is pride and ego and you can't force people to do what you think is right about observer this time.There are many ways to show your love of God.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
We have been talking about parenting our inner child on my shows this month and will continue to bring more information on this process.The holidays will bring emotional memories called the "blues" to the inner child.As we are told that "Christmas" is for the children we are now an adult with an inner child with magical feelings we have been programmed about "Santa Claus" and need to be good or bad to receive gifts.The placement in our minds about "Santa" being a representation of "Jesus the Christ child" and to think the gifts were for Jesus.What this programming did was cause confusion. The good child gets gifts and the bad child is getting nothing for Christmas. Most adults are still that inner child and find that they are judging the inner child for being so emotional about anything that is not mature.So playing or laughing when they are not children anymore at this time of the year is just not right or proper.So depression of the feelings that are repressed cause the blues.Some adults over do the shopping for their children or drink to avoid the memories that are all around them as the songs and decoration bring memories of the inner child.Coping skills of the inner child shut down because of the overload of so many reminders.Letting go the thoughts of your inner child can be a good coping skill you can be applied. Don't judge your inner child for the magical spiritual feelings of the holidays. Go to churches even if it is only that time of the years you go there.Many churches judge when people choose to go only once a year to church.Don't let judgment by others and yourself to prevent your help your spiritual needs of the inner child.We can use this time of the years to do the inner child work we need.When we are faced with having conversation with our friends and families we don't talk to but, once a year we need to open and receptive to their topics of their lives and just listen to them.They will judge you because you haven't connected with them the rest of the year.Don't take this judgment serious you can do anything about your inner child feelings that they are attacking.When any attack comes to an adult the inner child sufferers. Keep in mind that you are an adult and have left the family even though they will remind you they brought you into this world and you are accountable to them.This judgment will come because of guilt and you are not the child you are the adult with an inner child that is very emotional.Speak softly to your inner child and remind your inner child that as the adult I will keep you safe and secure.Coping with the holidays, you need to listen to the inner child as it has issues of insecurities. You will need to say no or yes instead of complaining or created excuses. Your free will to choose is being tested by your emotions of the inner child.The child may want to do everything to please others and the adult is not willing to do that.At this point, you have a spiritual battle of the will. There is a battle within the inner child and the adult on many choices every day they just become more difficult during this time of sharing and caring.If you have a program that the holidays are going to be negative, you need to address this right now this sets you up before you even get into the magic you can create in this love energy of the holidays.
We have been talking about parenting our inner child on my shows this month and will continue to bring more information on this process.The holidays will bring emotional memories called the "blues" to the inner child.As we are told that "Christmas" is for the children we are now an adult with an inner child with magical feelings we have been programmed about "Santa Claus" and need to be good or bad to receive gifts.The placement in our minds about "Santa" being a representation of "Jesus the Christ child" and to think the gifts were for Jesus.What this programming did was cause confusion. The good child gets gifts and the bad child is getting nothing for Christmas. Most adults are still that inner child and find that they are judging the inner child for being so emotional about anything that is not mature.So playing or laughing when they are not children anymore at this time of the year is just not right or proper.So depression of the feelings that are repressed cause the blues.Some adults over do the shopping for their children or drink to avoid the memories that are all around them as the songs and decoration bring memories of the inner child.Coping skills of the inner child shut down because of the overload of so many reminders.Letting go the thoughts of your inner child can be a good coping skill you can be applied. Don't judge your inner child for the magical spiritual feelings of the holidays. Go to churches even if it is only that time of the years you go there.Many churches judge when people choose to go only once a year to church.Don't let judgment by others and yourself to prevent your help your spiritual needs of the inner child.We can use this time of the years to do the inner child work we need.When we are faced with having conversation with our friends and families we don't talk to but, once a year we need to open and receptive to their topics of their lives and just listen to them.They will judge you because you haven't connected with them the rest of the year.Don't take this judgment serious you can do anything about your inner child feelings that they are attacking.When any attack comes to an adult the inner child sufferers. Keep in mind that you are an adult and have left the family even though they will remind you they brought you into this world and you are accountable to them.This judgment will come because of guilt and you are not the child you are the adult with an inner child that is very emotional.Speak softly to your inner child and remind your inner child that as the adult I will keep you safe and secure.Coping with the holidays, you need to listen to the inner child as it has issues of insecurities. You will need to say no or yes instead of complaining or created excuses. Your free will to choose is being tested by your emotions of the inner child.The child may want to do everything to please others and the adult is not willing to do that.At this point, you have a spiritual battle of the will. There is a battle within the inner child and the adult on many choices every day they just become more difficult during this time of sharing and caring.If you have a program that the holidays are going to be negative, you need to address this right now this sets you up before you even get into the magic you can create in this love energy of the holidays.
Monday, November 16, 2015
When two hearts beat together this is GOD'S LOVE.
As the heart and consciousness in both man and woman are beating to a different rhythm of guilt and shame in the beginning.The integration to the one love that is God's love rises from the ashes of the sin created by both parts of the consciousness.The body of believer's in Christ and through Christ are the expressions of this love. There was a time of separation and division and coming together as one meant spiritually not physically.The time of the gathering of the soul's of the calling of God's love is here now.Two came and two went on their path's of their own calling to serve God.What is joined together no man or woman can separate.The physically can become separated, but the love of God's spirit can't be broken.Did the man leave his wife and go to another wife?Did the woman go to another man and marry him?Yes, and did they both commit sin by this? Yes and will God forgive them? Yes, God's forgiveness comes as forgiveness in each of the one comes.For all have sinned and fallen into the traps and deceptions of the world.And God can join that was broken together in His love and grace and mercy to His children.What has God joined together in your life and it became broken by sin?Who broke the vow to God you made?God knew we were going to break the vow before we spoke it.We were young and not spiritual awaken at the time we vow it.Can a vow to someone in love be broken in spirit?No, it can not because God honors all vows made.Think about the gathering of the soul's in the final days on Earth.All will be reunited in God's eyes.Two by two in God in the midst of the vows utter.As in the days of Noah, we will be joined to our soul mates that God provide.
As the heart and consciousness in both man and woman are beating to a different rhythm of guilt and shame in the beginning.The integration to the one love that is God's love rises from the ashes of the sin created by both parts of the consciousness.The body of believer's in Christ and through Christ are the expressions of this love. There was a time of separation and division and coming together as one meant spiritually not physically.The time of the gathering of the soul's of the calling of God's love is here now.Two came and two went on their path's of their own calling to serve God.What is joined together no man or woman can separate.The physically can become separated, but the love of God's spirit can't be broken.Did the man leave his wife and go to another wife?Did the woman go to another man and marry him?Yes, and did they both commit sin by this? Yes and will God forgive them? Yes, God's forgiveness comes as forgiveness in each of the one comes.For all have sinned and fallen into the traps and deceptions of the world.And God can join that was broken together in His love and grace and mercy to His children.What has God joined together in your life and it became broken by sin?Who broke the vow to God you made?God knew we were going to break the vow before we spoke it.We were young and not spiritual awaken at the time we vow it.Can a vow to someone in love be broken in spirit?No, it can not because God honors all vows made.Think about the gathering of the soul's in the final days on Earth.All will be reunited in God's eyes.Two by two in God in the midst of the vows utter.As in the days of Noah, we will be joined to our soul mates that God provide.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
What is the first stage of spiritual development? "The Victim"
dear brothers and sisters,
We all are in a shift of awareness.We have the tools and gifts of the Holy Spirit and are gaining wisdom to use these gifts.As we accept the knowledge of the word of God and understand that very word has a spiritual meaning we empower our self.We are the spirit of the word GOD spoke through His children from the beginning to now.If you have your spiritual ears and your third eye to perceive you are on the right path to freedom within your own soul journey.You will go through many stages of development because you have been programmed by a world controlling systems and you have and compromised your spiritual values. You became a victim in a society that is morally deprived. You need to understand you are to followed God's rules and obey His commandments so that you become the child of God you were meant to be.God knew this would be hard for you to do and provided a new covenant for every child.You have been told of what Jesus did for every child of God but, many choose the world instead of accepting the sacrifice Jesus made for them.Now we are in the world and suffering from our own choices we were forced to make and have become victims of our choices.We try and struggle to survive to keep jobs and provide for our self and our families. We have forgotten that Jesus said He would not leave us or forsake us and send the Holy Spirit to comfort us in our sorrows of this world.We have loved the world more than God.God told us if we love the world we can't love Him.Yes being in the world was where we are but, we need to step out of the world and turn to God for everything now in faith and trust Him.How can we do this?This is the shift that is spoken about in all people following the spirit of the word.Spirituality is not a religion is is a way of life that Jesus spoke about when He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life or light' and through me you will be received into the kingdom and be set free.There is a way to do everything and the way He spoke about is the how He did the things in the world He lived in.He was kind and loving and didn't judge.This is the way of the spirit.Jesus had the Holy Spirit in Him.He release His spirit and came back from spirit to pick up His body as it lay in that tomb.He was showing the way we can do the same as He did.The truth He spoke about the truth of the spirit and this truth set your spirit free.We are to live a spiritual life in our ways and in the word of the spirit.The life and the light are two words that are the same this life is the light.We are the light as we accept Jesus into our life.The first stage is being a victim of your circumstances. You live in the "why me and why God" You are blaming and judging yourself and others and God for everything bad that happens to you.When you become aware of your judgements you can shift to the praise of God and this is the grateful mind set of everything that is given you receive this brings a release from bondage to your own self and you will move into the beginning stage of your forgiveness for self and others.This takes you out of the victim stage.This empowerment gives you strength to trust yourself and trust God to help you progress to the next stage of manifesting the desires of your heart so you will pray from freedom of spirit and in gratitude each time you ask for something you ask one time knowing God has done the thing you asked.You trust yourself and work with the God you trust to help you.Every stage is a process of shifting your body, mind and heart towards God. The next stage is surrendering to God to take over your will,
not your free will.God's will is more powerful than our own will as we as humans are
limited. God is not limited to this world.He controls the world according to His purpose.After you accept and allow God's plan for your life you are in the presence of God.
We all are in a shift of awareness.We have the tools and gifts of the Holy Spirit and are gaining wisdom to use these gifts.As we accept the knowledge of the word of God and understand that very word has a spiritual meaning we empower our self.We are the spirit of the word GOD spoke through His children from the beginning to now.If you have your spiritual ears and your third eye to perceive you are on the right path to freedom within your own soul journey.You will go through many stages of development because you have been programmed by a world controlling systems and you have and compromised your spiritual values. You became a victim in a society that is morally deprived. You need to understand you are to followed God's rules and obey His commandments so that you become the child of God you were meant to be.God knew this would be hard for you to do and provided a new covenant for every child.You have been told of what Jesus did for every child of God but, many choose the world instead of accepting the sacrifice Jesus made for them.Now we are in the world and suffering from our own choices we were forced to make and have become victims of our choices.We try and struggle to survive to keep jobs and provide for our self and our families. We have forgotten that Jesus said He would not leave us or forsake us and send the Holy Spirit to comfort us in our sorrows of this world.We have loved the world more than God.God told us if we love the world we can't love Him.Yes being in the world was where we are but, we need to step out of the world and turn to God for everything now in faith and trust Him.How can we do this?This is the shift that is spoken about in all people following the spirit of the word.Spirituality is not a religion is is a way of life that Jesus spoke about when He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life or light' and through me you will be received into the kingdom and be set free.There is a way to do everything and the way He spoke about is the how He did the things in the world He lived in.He was kind and loving and didn't judge.This is the way of the spirit.Jesus had the Holy Spirit in Him.He release His spirit and came back from spirit to pick up His body as it lay in that tomb.He was showing the way we can do the same as He did.The truth He spoke about the truth of the spirit and this truth set your spirit free.We are to live a spiritual life in our ways and in the word of the spirit.The life and the light are two words that are the same this life is the light.We are the light as we accept Jesus into our life.The first stage is being a victim of your circumstances. You live in the "why me and why God" You are blaming and judging yourself and others and God for everything bad that happens to you.When you become aware of your judgements you can shift to the praise of God and this is the grateful mind set of everything that is given you receive this brings a release from bondage to your own self and you will move into the beginning stage of your forgiveness for self and others.This takes you out of the victim stage.This empowerment gives you strength to trust yourself and trust God to help you progress to the next stage of manifesting the desires of your heart so you will pray from freedom of spirit and in gratitude each time you ask for something you ask one time knowing God has done the thing you asked.You trust yourself and work with the God you trust to help you.Every stage is a process of shifting your body, mind and heart towards God. The next stage is surrendering to God to take over your will,
not your free will.God's will is more powerful than our own will as we as humans are
limited. God is not limited to this world.He controls the world according to His purpose.After you accept and allow God's plan for your life you are in the presence of God.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
The divine timing of God has been a topic of interest for many children and certainly needs to talk about when it concerns each of journeys.All journey's are chosen by each entity according to their own realities and choices.There is also a timeline journey that is in synchronicity with God's plan.As the awareness of consciousness integrates the two lines join into one direct communication line to source energies.The connection must be maintained and not disconnected at this point because it is the divine timing.The transition is acceptance of the Holy Spirit and the gifts are activated.The gifts have always been in the core of the spirit contain within the child of God.The release of the past sins and forgiveness has brought this transition in the consciousness of all in the collective.The faith and trust came into one accord in the awareness in the body of Christ.The rising up of the body of believers is becoming the Christ consciousness. This causes a renewal in the minds of all that accept the manifestation of the one.The thoughts of the truth are coming more rapidly as the children communicate love.As this is the light energy that is contained in the realities of the child of God in this present moment.As truth energies rise the lies come to the surface also.Meeting in the waves around the truth energies.The truth washes the dirt and earthy energies away and the child of God is purifying the negative energies by the truth. It appears like a baptism to God.The Holy spiritual type for it's done in the spiritual realms.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Show on blog talk radio show synopsis:What do the card images mean?
Every show has a lesson about your spiritual journey.The music is design to uplift your vibrations.My card readings give a reading of the images on the cards you pull from the deck.The cards are placed in the rows from the past, present and future events unfolded. Your inner child influences and the Fool's journey tell your purpose and your calling on your journey.There are love cards for romance possibilities and travel cards can show your transitions in your life.The world cards tell something about your career and opportunities in your choices of the correct choices. The hermit card will tell about your prayers and meditations progress.The wheel of fortune tells how to set the proper intentions to set for a manifestation. The tower tells about your physical body or your environment.The justice card tells brings solutions to a problem.There are two timing cards the moon and the sun.The interpretation of the placement and the images is done through discernment.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Unconditional Love
Can as human love without conditions. We are very insecure and think giving love is making us a victim and out of control of our life. Control is within them only. Self-control is the only possible real control. Many people think they can control others and some people try to control others.When it really comes down to the truth facts people let others control them because they have no self-control. This may seem like a paradox and there are many paradoxes in the world we live in.Some things seem contradictory and confusing when it comes to dealing with relationships with other humans.We want to love unconditional, but our own past rejects and mistakes are stopping us even if it's a new relationshipWe became making the judgement and doing comparisons even before we find out the love the person has to share.We think it should all be planned out so we won't make a mistake.Does this sound like we create fear and judging our self?We need to have self-control over the fear to create new relationships.We don't give the love of self any freedom to take a risk of getting hurt while all the time we are lonely and hurting for a relationship.The inner child is very innocence and free to love, but the programs of fear are still running in the subconscious mind telling you remember you can't trust yourself to make a choice you need to check everything out before you get in trouble.Most relationships have trust issues because of the insecurities in the inner child.This doesn't mean you can override the program of lost of trust. You can trust a higher source to bring trust into your heart.The inner child just loves and is loving to everything and everyone unless it's program to fear.
Can as human love without conditions. We are very insecure and think giving love is making us a victim and out of control of our life. Control is within them only. Self-control is the only possible real control. Many people think they can control others and some people try to control others.When it really comes down to the truth facts people let others control them because they have no self-control. This may seem like a paradox and there are many paradoxes in the world we live in.Some things seem contradictory and confusing when it comes to dealing with relationships with other humans.We want to love unconditional, but our own past rejects and mistakes are stopping us even if it's a new relationshipWe became making the judgement and doing comparisons even before we find out the love the person has to share.We think it should all be planned out so we won't make a mistake.Does this sound like we create fear and judging our self?We need to have self-control over the fear to create new relationships.We don't give the love of self any freedom to take a risk of getting hurt while all the time we are lonely and hurting for a relationship.The inner child is very innocence and free to love, but the programs of fear are still running in the subconscious mind telling you remember you can't trust yourself to make a choice you need to check everything out before you get in trouble.Most relationships have trust issues because of the insecurities in the inner child.This doesn't mean you can override the program of lost of trust. You can trust a higher source to bring trust into your heart.The inner child just loves and is loving to everything and everyone unless it's program to fear.
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