Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Nature and human nature abhors a vacuum of energies that suck the life blood like a parasite an attachment that clings to repeating patterns for the purpose of dependency on the host.

Elimination is Nature's has a way of taking actions on any endangerment in its environment to grow and produce fruit and flourish for the future generations of its life continuous flow of energies.

Humans have been treating this parasite vacuum of bad negative vibration with care and kindness instead of getting rid of it when first observed to be dangerous to their personal growth.Rather than stop the process humans allow the parasite to take control over their life force to produce.

Now don't get me wrong because  I am pro-life and would not suggest getting rid of something that is producing in a very small way to the whole of the collective.  I am writing this paper with consideration and honesty and the truth that has not been told by many because of personal reasons or fears, to tell the truth about the "bad apple" that is still thriving on other people's progress to grow spiritually.

Yes, we are experiencing and taking lessons for our own growth and our connections to others of the same mindset will gather to share and encourage our brothers and sisters.When we come together in work, home, and activities we are not expecting a "bad apple" to spoil the fun and love energies we producing for inspirations purposes.

We don't want or need to stand in judgment of the "bad apple" we need to use discernment and our intuitions that were given to us a gift from the designer.Nature as an innate biology sense as humans also have a knowing built in its growth processes also.  The sense of fear or flight is a reaction we share with animals.When confronted with a physical object that appears to be a human and doesn't act with empathy or compassion is it Human? We all know the appearance is deceiving because there is nothing inside of the shell.It talks and walks but its words are like a Scorpio and will sting or strike if not allowed to spew its negative energies.No amount of reasoning or kindness or truth from the heart will work on the evil intentions of the "bad apple" the reason being it is designed to be destructive in all it does.We have all been the target of the back stabbers and control freaks in our work places and when we really are thinking we are making process on our journey they creep in like a snake and try to undermine everything we have built up.The kick the sand castles over and stomp our dreams until we don't have anything left inside of us to go on.

We have tried loving our neighbors as ourselves and even speaking kindly to those that have done us wrong.What is next and should we do it for the sake of the whole and not just ourselves?Are we all connected?Are the "bad apples" connected? There is always one that stirs of the trouble and gets others involved to create the chaos.What can a spiritual person do to stop this chain reaction?

I have had many experiences with "bad apple effect" in the work area and many stories from clients on my journey. In the classes and on the radio there will always be one that causes interferences with the group.My directness of handling these situation has improved over the years. I still need to act more quickly to prevent the negatives they bring to the group or listeners.Last night on my show  A callers who have been trolling all radio show on blog talk radio called in. I knew this caller and told her that  I heard her for three years telling the same story and asking for help with her family.She is lying and deceitful and just wants to control everyone she talks too.  This is the last time  I allow this energy on my radio show.No matter how you tell the bad apple the truth they still sting you.She didn't listen to anything  I said to her. She posted in the chat room about how rude  I was to her by telling her she was beating a dead horse and forcing a horse to drink by wanting to control her granddaughter. I knew she wasn't listening to me she never listens to the other people who she calls either.This is the same energy  I have observed in non-humans on our planet.They have no real life just a sobbed story and it is programmed to created pity.You can not get agreement from these entities only arguments and they are sharp to point out your short comings.I agree humans do make mistakes and that makes us human.Her words in the chat room "warning everyone that  I was rude and a know-it all"  I accept that I am really a' know it all" and consider that a compliment.  I know my job and have no reason not to do my job.And if  I don't know something  I am willing to learn. I see no reason to talk with somebody that doesn't listen.



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