Sunday, August 6, 2017


As children, we played follow the leader.

From the times of tribes, and gatherings of our people we inherited the consciousness roots of kinships and honoring and respected as our leaders of wisdom from the higher connection to the "one" soul spoke through them to us.Our mentors have come to us at the right divine timing and we followed their words and actions just like in our game "follow the leader" we have a knowing that resonates with our heart of the energy being transmitted and we follow.

My children know my voice and the voice comes from the same "one".

Because the words are spoken by such mentor in kindness and no judgment and harmony and peace of the mind is leading the mentor chosen by the divine to speak as the "one."

Hunger and thirst for more are the cries deep from within the soul of the student who hears with ears of the heart.And the following occurs as the vibration are healing the within longing.

Children are lead by many worldly things that glitter like gold but hold no long term value but the words from the soul that knows the heart of the "one" will fill the emptiness with joy and amazement of the journey.

The Christ consciousness of the one mind, one body, one life has returned many times in mere men and women on this plane of existence and the entities are called or chosen to speak and it is their allowance and acceptance to follow the leader within.

Edgar Cayce was such an entity chosen to be a leader to follow as he allowed the Christ consciousness within to speak through him in a trance state.Many others also spoke in Biblical times for the I am the presence and said it was coming from their hearts.Channeling was from the higher consiousness of the "one" and not lower conscious beings in the afterworld the messages were about the living and for the living, it was the living word.The leader of the tribe was appointed to speak to the great spirits of the ancestors was followed because of the leadership and allowance of higher consciousness within to guide him.

The language and words will flow with the intention to create an energetic field within the heart of the listener making the request to open the records called Akashic.The book of life recorded by an appointed angel by the "one" of higher consciousness. The writings are in the entities chosen  by divine timing of the "one" and messages resonate with the entity and the timing of their journey.All things are know by the connection of the one energy of the living words spoken.  

The techniques are different as the soul that is transmitting allows the following as the I am presence comes into their reality pushing aside and surrendering the entity of the self-identity to the channeling to be given and received through the "one".The rememebering of what was said is important to the listener as well as the channeler doing the reading because it is in the experience. Edgar Cayce's did gain information after the trance readings from the notes taken by his secretary who recorded his information.No information was lost as it also was recorded in the Akashic records from where it came from.I chose Edgar Cayce as a mentor many years ago and read the readings he gave that were in the books in the library at the ARE in Virginia Beach. As  I read each recorded reading on health and reincarnation and I was gaining knowledge from the Akashic records from the collective consciousness and the past lives of all that  I would meet on my time line have come to me on the radio and privately for years in my life's journey.Everything is a synchronicity and life has meaning beyond the physical representations of the identities we are now incarnated into we are travelers in divine timing and the "one" soul has many parts and pieces but is still one.So as Edgar Cayce was reading and going into a trance state the timing was in the now and all were present in the now.He still is connected to all that follow his words that were living words from the Christ consciousness.Greg Braden tells us about the keys to life in the energetic fields of possibilities of the consciousness and we are all connected by this consciousness.All my mentors said the same and it was my choice to allow the connection as it is for all souls.The more  I connected the dots on my journey the more information comes through my consciousness. The Christ consciousness is now moving over the waters and the face of the Earth waiting for all those willing to follow the leader.


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