Saturday, June 17, 2017


What is the story of the Earth father vs the heavenly Father?A poem from the heart.

The assignment and alignment of the head
was a placement of the soul
this is the story to unfold

Did the father's know what they were to provide
the love for their children and their bride?

With love and care, not money or fame
nor work for their own ego gain.

Where did all the father's go 
when they left those who needed them so?

The head was lost in many families in our land
and the women took the stand.

There were some that stay in their place 
and loved the position that was given through grace.

The children of the fatherless homes
were the seekers and sent on their own

There was an emptiness to be filled by those
without a head of fatherless home only the heart knows. 

A heavenly father who sits in the clouds on a throne 
heard the weeping of the child without a proper home.

He saw them searching for a father replacement on the Earth
to find a man who showed some affections but, not because of a birth.

The connections they wanted to make was that love of a father to a child and ended up without a break
many of these had to escape the falseness for their lives sake.   

What have I done wrong the inner child cried as the abuses began?
I thought for a while  I had found my lost fathers love.
I know now  I should have sought of my Father above.

The Earth fathers were given a bad rap
and the inner child spends years with this crap.

Is this an awareness of a celebration?
as the heart opens to all that you read
in the calculations? 

We need to seek our heavenly Father's inspirations 
to clear the problems left over from the generations.

Did we do our forgiveness work for those that abandon us
or did we keep our silents and fuss?

Repression causes depression and victims of the "why me"
are shouting out right now.
I know your heart hurts and your thoughts are same as mine.
How can  I forgive the father that is still in heart and gave me life? I know my inner child still weeps about that night he said he was leaving our home.Then the day came at 21 years of my age  A report he had died and never was returning home. I cried for me and him when nobody in the family did.There was a 200.00 dollar check given in his account given to each child of his.I just wanted one last hug and a kiss.So every Fathers day  I think about the childhood memories of him.He was my Earthy father who I try many try to replace.I think about the days after when he didn't return home. I walked in the yard in the back yard and ask my Father in heaven to be my dad. I still searched and found one man who  I thought was just the one who would love me like a father. It served a purpose but didn't last because  I grew up too fast.He is a father type and left me for others that needed a father.So my heart was broken but not my spirit.I found more trust in my heavenly Father. Please don't feel sorry for me  I have learned my lessons on what and who to seek.



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