Thursday, June 8, 2017
The narrow views of the world vs. the spiritual perceptions of physical will reach a tipping point as an awakening in the consciousness occurs in the collective mindset. This is a processes process of traditional religious dogmas of interpretations of a few words that are stuck in their memories of the past. When we see the beginning and not the end we limit our growth spiritually and maturity to gain wisdom of the total outcome of our situation.The creation stories are the same in all cultures.Yes, there were two entities created in the physical form there is no denial of this fact. From one soul contain in a male physical form the DNA was taken to form another physical form but the same DNA remain in the second form.The two souls became one soul.Now, you would think logically that a spiritual person would understand this concept of the soul or spirit and not look at the gender identification as a way to cause division and separation based on appearances. Appearances of the physical are deceiving and the inner workings are the domains of the kingdom to come. Creating struggles and separations are destructive and our purpose is to build not to destroy. The body of believers is the church and the human body is the temple.The DNA is very clear on this fact.What a person does with their temple is up to them as this is the freedom of the will of the consciousness. Judgments of others who use their free will to do as they believe by those who believe differently have brought judgment on them.It is interesting to hear their pride they have given themselves for their righteousness to be saved by grace and not by works.But, they are missing the point of the whole of the body of believers.The are looking for the problems instead of the situations and this has caused a falling away from the intentions of the good news.The victims are the ones that see the problems and tell others to change their ways.The feel victimized because they can't feel safe even going to the bathroom or talk about gender as a physical representation and not a spiritual problem that they have inside of themselves.
Breaking the gender barriers of the pink and the blue with no gray areas between is all about the roles we choose to play in the game of life. There were rules to the genders and this has been broken many times in every culture. There was an outcry when this happened. Clothing was a deal breaker for those who choose to wear pants.Hairstyles even took a hit from those that conformed to strict physical appearances.The pointing of fingers and bullying was their way of dealing with the differences. Conforming isn't transforming and change is a reality in everything. When women moved into the workforce and got the right to vote there were scoffers.This was a big gender issue.When men stay home to care for the children this cause another alarm in the church buildings. Now that the same genders want to get married and adopt children this causes an uproar of those that are judging by their standards and using their wisdom to love those who care enough to want a child that needs a home.What is the real reason these conforming non-caring people who say they love God are really saying? They are saying that only they can do what is right and all the others are wrong. This self-pride and righteousness? Jesus said,'" if you don't love your brothers and sisters you don't love me" and you don't love the Father.
We are lost in a sea of division and separation and the boat is sinking fast.The heart knows the way home because the soul has the desires, not the physical body we carry.What we look like is just a reflection of the inner workings of the soul.Are we afraid of what we see?Are we looking deep into the souls of others we meet?What do we see in ourselves?Are we afraid of our own true self? This is the problem and the only solution is to love ourselves as God Creator loves us.This, not a self-help thing at all it is the golden rule.We must experience everything to know how to give to others the same. How can we give what we do not have within us?I hear those that talk about others and know that it is the hate of their own self that drives their judgments.If you think for one minute you are getting away with bullying others think again you are only hurting yourself. I am not talking about karma I am talking about the final white throne room of judgment. You will stand alone and review your life and hear your words you said about others.
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